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The young water bender glanced at the balcony catching a glimpse of her friend watching the sky. or at least thats what she thought he was looking at, knowing Aang he could be looking at a spirit or could have picked up on something the others had not. although they were all acting happy which to an extent they were. there was an unsettling feeling of dread. was it really over? no matter how many times she reminded herself that they had beaten Ozi it felt surreal. even for the brief moments that it sunk in, she felt on edge the last few years of her life had been dedicated to this moment, if she really admits it she's been waiting for this her whole life. to have a world where she is safe and knows she can live a happy life. a sudden pang of guilt hit Katara deep in her stomach she felt it. she knew what she had to do she couldn't leave it any longer, he deserved much better than this but he also deserved the truth. She walked in the direction of the air bender and soon found herself stood at his side. her mouth became dry and she started to panic, how should she say this? there's no easy way to say 'hey I know I kissed you and all but I actully don't like you and I just want to be friends' her thoughts raced and her palms started to feel clammy due to the sweat that was forming. it was then it happened. her friend, Aang the sweet innocent boy reached for her and tried to kiss her. Katara recoiled, and she instantly felt bad. the pain in Aang's face was clear, he bowed his head and muttered.

"so that kiss meant nothing?"

"at the time it meant everything" she placed her hand on his "but after everything I realised that I don't want a relationship" her voice was smooth and even almost as if she had practiced this a thousand times. 

"so not right now but maybe in the future?" he still wasn't looking at her but she could see the small glimmer of hope that had sprouted in his tone. 

"Aang, I don't feel that way about you. and I don't feel like thats going to change" his shoulders tensed and he still didn't look up at her. 

"I'm glad you were honest with me Katara, I hope you have a good evening." he turned away from her and walked down the steps that allowed people to walk onto the royal gardens. to an outsider this would seem exceptionally mutual, however she knew him. and she knew that no matter what he always smiled, well he used to. it was evident even now that he was changed and that from now on things would be different. if they already weren't heading in that direction she had just fast tract it. a heaviness pushed against her chest and her hands balled into fists. god could that have gone any worse? she wondered he hates me and if he doesn't he will soon. tears began to form in her eyes, she couldn't have told him though. there is no way he would have taken that well, how do you tell your friend that believed you would end up together that you had feelings for his mentor and friend. minor feelings, just a small innocent attraction she assured herself, it was nothing more than that and it would never grow into anything more than that. he loved Mai, that wouldn't change. not that she wanted it to change of course! a heavy sigh left her lips that were now plump from her pulling them between her teeth and pushing them against one another. for the moment she had no idea what she wanted to do, she was a fifteen year old girl who had met her goals in life. she mastered water bending and was now a master, she had saved the world while traveling. found peace with her mothers death and found her father. what else could she do? an unfamiliar feeling formed and she was not happy with it. she was bored in a way that is after everything she had been through she couldn't simply be bored? this was a lot more complex than that she wasn't anxious but she felt like she was at the same time. she needed to do somthing but she didn't know what and not just for the amidiate situation with Aang. in the long run she had no idea what she was mean to do and that terrified her. No she snapped at herself I have to keep busy and for now the best thing to do is distract myself from everything.  she took a deep breath and wiped her eyes that she hadn't noticed were producing tears, then she turned around and headed back indoors. Sokka was sat on a table in the corner of the room engrossed in his new drawing that in no doubt will take him a few hours and still look like a child made it. Katara of course would never say this to her brother, that would break his heart and she was well aware of this. Mai and Suki were playing an intense game of pi cho both girls has concentrated looks on their faces. Zuko was talking to Toph and it took every ounce of her self control to look at him for any less than a second. Iroh had decided to bless the group with his musical interests. 

"Where's twinkle toes?" Toph asked 

"he went for a walk" Katara knew there was no point in lying, Toph would know right away. 

"is the young Avatar alright?" his eyes were squinted slightly and his usual grin was replaced by a thin line. 

"yes" the lie left her mouth almost to sharply leaving a sharp sting on her tongue. she could almost feel Toph's questioning 'look' "he just went for a walk" this wasn't techinally a lie however the young water bender felt almost uneased knowing that her friend was able to pick up on her deceit. Thankfully no one else seemed to pick up on it, katara quickly excited the room after excusing herself and found her temporary room. that heavy feeling quickly returned once she was reminded that she was only her temporary, everyone had been offered a year round offer at the earth kingdom however this would never be more than a holiday for Katara. she had no idea what she wanted to do but it definitely wasn't sit around and wait for somthing exciting to happen. she placed her hands on the door and pushed it open to reveal a traditional upper class earth kingdom bedroom. an open window allowed light into the room, emerald green curtains hung and rustled loosely in the light breeze. a large wooden bed was placed on the far right hand side of the room and gave plenty of room for the desk and wardrobe that made up the rest of the room. Katara quickly removed her dress and changed into her night wear. she wasn't sure where the decision came from to go to sleep but that was what she was doing, she pulled back the silk blankets and climbed in. she didn't want to deal with the ranging thoughts in her head and just wanted to go to sleep and forget the events of the day. she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come. however, she heard the door open rather harshly. katara shot up and saw toph standing holding the door before she closed it. 

"so, tell me the truth. whats wrong with Aang?" 

Katara sighed and closed her eyes. she didn't want to deal with this, she just wanted to pretend this day never happened. yet the nagging voice in her head reminded her that this is toph, and she would not leave until she got the truth, the best thing to do was just to spill.

"he tried to kiss me" a silence fell over the two girls, the minuet that followed was almost painful. the next sound that filled the room shocked katara. pure laughter.

"he-kissed-you?" toph has erupted in an almost contagious laughter. 

"tried to. tried" this just caused the earth bender to laugh harder. 

"you rejected him?" between each word she hiccupped in pure laughter. if it had been any one else that had tried to kiss her she would have joined in with the laughter. it wasn't so she didn't. 

"Toph its not funny" but it didn't stop the earth bender from her hysterics.

"No it's not. It's hilarious!"

"Toph Stop" katara snapped "he is our friend and he hurting." This stopped toph in her tracts causing her to stop and think.

"If we coddle him and prevent him from dealing with this then he wont learn from the pain" she took a few steps forward. "Hes only thirteen, hmthere will be plenty of girls. He'll get over it"

Katara sighed and slumped back into her bed.

"What am I going to do toph?" She asked at the girl who was now sitting  on the end of her bed 

"I don't know Katara. He has to deal with this one on his own. You can't help him this time"

"I know" katara rolled over and faced the open window. The sun had sunken below the Harrison and the stars were beginning to shine.

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