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The younge Firebender wound down the dark corridors before him. He had snuck out in the cloak of night and had one thing on his mind. He needed answers he deserved answers after almost a decade he had finally found the courage to ask that dammed question. 'What happened to my mother' his father had started back at him with a blank yet terrified expression.. he didn't know.

"ARGH!" Zuko stopped and smashed is fists into the stone wall next to him. Tears spilled down his cheeks, why? Why couldnt he know the truth why after all this time was he still denied the one thing he wanted most. His mother.

"Are you alright my lord?" Two guards ran up to the teen.

"Yes." Zuko rose "quite alright. As you were" he threw his hood over his head once again and once again entered a dark night. His steps became closer and quicker as he reached the path that lead back to the palace. He knew he should rest, Mai would not be happy to find him slumped at the end of the bed after no sleep again. But he couldn't being himself to the unwelcome relief of sleep. He couldnt rest until he knew the truth even Azula didn't know. At least that is what he hoped, he'd visited his sister once since katara had detained her, it was nothing more than screaming and incoherent rambles about how he knew nothing and never would that their mother never wanted either of them. He knew this wasnt true their mother had loved both of them however her love could not save azula from the manipulation of their father. Thus Azula. He knew Azula resented the fact their mother had more of a connection with Zuko all she wanted was her mother to love her and not see the darkness she had inherited from Ozi. Zuko had that same darkness he would not deny it but he had not let it consume his whole life and had not had to deal with the pressures their father had placed upon azula. Despite him being the first born azula was always his favourite and he expected way to much of her. In a way he pitted his sister, he wished things could have been different. The now king sank into the gardens and sat beside the pond his mother had so loved. It was here he had some of his most beautiful day dreams of what life could have been like. If his family had been different.

He saw it like this. His mother would still be with them. And his father wouldn't be king his uncle would. His cousin would still be alive and well, the crowned prince. Azula would be kind and heartfelt she would laugh out of joy not malicious. The war wouldn't have happened at all, Aang would probably be long gone or maybe not Avatars have been known to live a lot longer than most who knows? Katara would probably have learned waterbending a lot sooner and he had this clear vision of both water tribes being Alys with the fire nation. Leading the two to be good friends. This dream he had was a beautiful one and he knew it was unhealthy  to constantly think about what could have been if circumstances were different. He knew the past was out of his control, but the future wasnt.. the full moon sat high in the pitch black night sky. Little dots of light called out through the sky and caused the young king to smile. How many nights had he spent either looking up at this sky searching for the Avatar or looking at it with him.

Zuko rose and headed in the direction of his bedroom which he shared with Mai. The guards that stood posted around the palace were all now used to his late night walks it had only been a few months since he'd permanently moved back in and taken the throne however, it felt like an eternity. As he passed each guard they bowed their heads muttering a 'good evening my lord' he'd wave them away and mutter that there was no need for such formality. But there was he was king and he didnt want to be weak but he would never be his father. Two years ago.. he would have done anything for this he had done everything for this. But now as he slipped into the silk sheets next to his sleeping girlfriend he admitted the truth he would never say aloud. He hated being king.

.. I apologise for this being so short, I will try to avoid this as much as possible with this book but bare with me..

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