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.Part Two.

It had been a week since she had been captured, along with her team. And she hated it more than anything in the world. She had let her guard down for one minute for one lousy minute of amarure behaviour. She saved the world for spirits sake? How could she get ambushed! The boy who had taken her hostage had taken her necklace and a strand of her hair, attached them to a letter and let her bird fly to the south pole. Sokka would think she was dead  so would Aang everyone would! And even if they didn't want to give up after time logic would kick in and cause her to be left alone. More alone than she was right now anyway, tears threatened to spill from her eyes but she wouldn't let them. She had discovered that there was always somone watching at any time of the day. No matter what there was somone always making sure that they would never escape. They were smart, fuck. And now whatever they had planned would come into tuition and no one could warn her brother or Zuko, or even Aang. If only she had let somone come with her. If only for once in her miserable life she wasnt so damn stubborn.  But she had always been like this and even when the world was nearly ending she had still stuck to her gut and that was what got her through.  And idea formed in her mind quick as a  ostrich horse it raced through her mind. She moved one of her fingers. The ropes that that had bound her hands had started to thread a small amount. They raced her wrists in a figure 8 and then circled the centre a couple times before completing one more figure 8 and ending by being tied several times. It was tied to many times for it to come loose after one cut so what she would do it cut at different parts repeatedly. How would she do it? Simple katara forced herself not to smirk they could not know that after a long painful week of self anger and hate. She finally had a plan and hope to go along with it.

Katara twisted her index and middle finger in a downward motion bending a small amount of water from the air, breathing shallow breaths the water solidified. It was now ice, sharp ice. She slowly continued a upwards downwards motion with her fingers slowly attacking the threaded areas over time she felt a small amount of give and stopped. The minute one strand broke they would know. She had only gotten this far by being slow paitint and smart. Well not the second part if she had been smart she wouldn't have been captured in the first place. She breathed again and continued cutting a piece of rope closer to her hands.

Three hours passed and it was now morning, well sunrise and everyone was asleep well not eveyone there was a guard with his back to katara picking at a tree with his sword. Stupid boy. Once katara was free she would bend the water from that tree and knock him out and just as that thought crossed her mind the entire intricate knot that had trapped her hands came loose. She had to act fast! first by gripped the rope with her hands and then second by breathing in just before the ice blade would hit the dirt and in that split second it was water meaning no sound was made as it made contact with the earth. The fire nation soil was dry and dead meaning it absorbed any liquids that it could take. The guard hadn't moved at all and hadn't showed any signs of knowing what katara was doing. This was it her chance. She stood quietly and put the rope on the ground, then. No hesitation  she pulled her arms back and bended the water from the tree around the guard  she acted quickly quickly bending water and freeing all her team that had been captured with her. Some had been take away for whatever reason she did not know. It was then they simultaneously attacked the entire camp no mercy this time. Of course they were not aiming to kill but they wernt trying to avoid injury this time. They captured all the rogues in a matter of minutes including the leader who had captured katara a week before. Tied around a large tree she smirked at them.

"Thank you so much for the holiday but I am afraid that the Fire Lord has requested your presence." She said sweetly. Placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm not sure how you know what the fire lord wants." The leader Enzo spat "he thinks you dead, like the rest of your pathetic friends" katara just laughed.

"Have you met Toph? Shes anything but pathetic. Suki yeah good Luck, Sokka same there.... do you want me to continue" she bent down and grabbed his chin with her fingers  and spoke directly to him "because I can tell you right now, my friends are my family and they are the strongest most powerful people you will ever meet. You gave made enemies by capturing me. The fire lord, the Avatar, the strongest earth bender in the world. Alongside ths chiefs of both water tribes. But most terrifying of all... " she whispered. "The dragon of ths west is particularly fond of me" it was then he gulped. For years these children had been raised of stories of the dragon of the west to be told he was a traitor to then realise... he has never stronger and that terrified every single one of them.

"Katara?" Emi on of the resistance spoke.

"Yes?" Katara turned to her and they spoke quietly

"We have sent out a hawk but we dont know when it will get to the fire nation and we didnt have a second bird so we couldnt send a letter to the southern water tribe." She felt a pit sink in her stomach how long would it be before Zuko could come and help her? How long before her brother and father learned that she wasnt dead? Had they just accepted the fact she was and moved on? Had they already had a funeral. No of course not in their tribe they would never do a burial of there was not a body, they would pray to the ancestors to deliver the soul of their loved one as best they could. However they had their traditions.

"It is fine I'm sure my brother is on his way"

I'm so sorry this is short I was going to write it for Zuko but for some reason this felt better? I'm going to try and make the next one longer and until the story really gets going I don't think that any of this is going to interest any of you so bare with me


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