Feels Good

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i sat on the couch, reading Pet Semetary. corbyn had his head my lap as he napped.

we were at the park but corbyn had a headache so we came back to the house. we just came back in my Mercedes since him and i rode in that to the park. that's okay, though. jack didn't ride with the guys in the van either, he rode with fire in her svj.

i turned the page with my index finger, which had sat behind the next page. my thumb kept the book open in the middle.

as my eyes scanned over my pages, my senses became mute to the room. my mind imagined the book so clearly, it felt real.

suddenly, corbyn turns his head slightly, causing me to look down. i realized i had been running my hands softly through his hair.

i move my hand away, thinking i had woken him up from it.

"no, don't stop. that felt good." he mumbles, and i smile, shake my head, and go back to gently combing through his hair.

for a second, i didn't look back to my book. i sat and watched how peaceful corbyn was. quiet, for once.

i laugh to myself before turning back to Pet Semetary. i was content.

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