false alarm

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i laid on my back, partially leaning up against the headboard. corbyn was laying between my legs, his head on my stomach, his arms wrapped around me.

he had fallen asleep a while ago, but i stayed up to watch this one show i had found.

the main girl started crying because her mom didn't send her a birthday card. that's just petty.

corbyn's head shot up, and he looked up at me, very worried.

"i thought it was you who was crying." he whispers.

his expression softens and he sighs, laying back down.

i run my hand through his hair soothingly.

"no, it's just the tv. i'm okay, promise." i reassure him.

he relaxes, having been tensed up.

"that scared me." he mumbles.

i just laugh, causing his arms to wrap around me tighter.

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