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"" g o    c r y    m e    a    r i v e r""

"" g o    c r y    m e    a    r i v e r""

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name> ziana himmerson

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name> ziana himmerson






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personality>°intellectual°witty°smooth°loud°cocky°sympathetic°empathetic°pathetic°hopeless romantic°cowboy b¡tch°thinks she's the funniest hoe°clumsy as f r i c k

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°hopeless romantic
°cowboy b¡tch
°thinks she's the funniest hoe
°clumsy as f r i c k

°can literally have one emotion for
°handles bee stings like a god

°she's a bee farmer over summer, frick'n loves the things
°almost never uses her intelligence for good, commonly says random ass facts like "did you know about 1 in 25 people sentenced to death row are innocent?"
°will always laugh at her own jokes, no matter the joke.
°really likes letters, for some reason

""y e e  f r i c k ' n  y a w""

""y e e  f r i c k ' n  y a w""

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h e c k  y a h  b o i, i finished this finally :) here you go -chatoyant-, hope i didn't forget anything :)

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h e c k  y a h  b o i, i finished this finally :) here you go -chatoyant-, hope i didn't forget anything :)

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