Chapter 10:

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I wake up in the morning not in a rush at all until I remember it's the first day back at school. I quickly hop in the shower and blow dry my hair afterwards.

I choose to wear black jeans, plain white top, a grey denim jacket and black hightop converse. I'm actually quite excited to go to school especially with tom but am I am still scared about what people are going to think about me and tom as a couple.

I was just finishing doing my hair when I heard a knock on the door. I raced down the stairs to try and get their first but I was too late as I saw my mum already there talking to Tom.

Y/N: " hi tom." I said as I got to the door. Tom blushed and answered

Tom: "hi love" which made me blush as well.

Y/N: "well mum, it looks like we should go so we'll see you later bye"

Mum: "excuse me Y/N wait a minute I need to talk to you guys."
I internally roll my eyes as I know what she's going to say.

Mum: "first of all your only 16 so Y/N i don't want you getting pregnant let only having-"

Y/N: "mum we need to go we're going to be late. Bye" I took toms hand and shut the door before mum could say anything else.

Y/N: "I'm so sorry tom she's so annoying." I said while cringing at what my mum just said.

Tom: "Y/N it's fine, my mum would have said the same thing" he replied which made us both laugh.

We carried on walking to school for about 5 minutes until I realised I was still holding toms hand.

Y/N: "oh I'm sorry" I said as I pulled my hand away embarrassed.

Tom: "no it's fine. I liked it." As he said that he intertwined his fingers with mine as he gave me a warming smile which only made my cheeks go bright red.

Tom: "your so cute when you blush" he commented while poking my face.

Y/N: "stop!" I playfully said hiding my face from embarrassment while tom was in hysterics next to me.
After calming down a bit, I asked him the question i've been waiting to ask him.

Y/N: "what do you think everyone's going to think of us being together."
It was silent for a moment until tom spoke.

Tom: "honestly Y/N I'm not sure but who cares about what they think because their probably just jealous of us." He answered giving me a comforting smile. I leant up and softly kissed him on the lips which he reciprocated straight away.

Y/N: "thank you" I said as I pulled away.

Tom: "no problem. Now let's go and face everyone." He replied while giving me a sweet smile.

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