Chapter 4: " Escape Reality. "

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    It was 5 am, and I have received no sleep in return for working all night on my speech. I rubbed my eyes and set my pencil down, hoping a shower would wake me up for the day. I got to my feet and checked my phone, receiving only a message alert from the president of the debate club.


President: Hello Monika! I am so excited to hear your speech today! You were the topic of discussion in the club for the past day and we all miss you very much! See you soon.

    I made an angered groan and threw my phone down onto my bed, running my fingers through my hair. 

  " Aaagh! " I whined to myself. " By this point I am just nailing my coffin shut. " I trudged to my shower and turned the water on, beginning to undress myself. Stepping under the cool water got my thoughts going. None ever actually had to present a speech to the entire school, no matter what club it was. This must have been a personal request from the debate clubs president, but why..? I got dressed quickly, making my way outside and to the school.

   My thoughts raced as I wondered when I was going to preform the speech, but I doubted it would be first thing. I walked into the school and stretched my arms, letting out a long sigh of exhaustion.

   " Hey! I heard you were doing a speech during first period! " A familiar voice called out to my. I froze mid position, my eyes shot open. First period? I let my arms fall to my sides and turned to see Keia. I gave her a wave to call her over, keeping myself as calm as I could.

   " Erm-yeah. Boy am I excited to make this extremely pointless announcement to the e n t i r e school, " I said with sarcastic enthusiasm. Keia seemed un amused and put an arm around my waist.

    " You'll be fine, " Keia stated, I pushed her arms gently off my waist awkwardly. " I mean, not only are you the most popular in school, but you're the best at giving speeches! " Keia gave me a look as if she was trying to read my expression. to see if her false encouragement worked.

   " I suppose that could do me some encouraging, " I sighed, shakily holding the paper with my speech. " Thanks again, Keia. " The intercom suddenly made a loud beeping noise.

  Students and faculty, please make your way to the auditorium in an orderly fashion for an assembly.

   Keia waved bye to me and ran off to meet with her friends in her class. I took a deep breath and began walking to the auditorium. It's going to be fine, it always is. Everything turns out fine in the end, and then I can go back to working on my club. I bumped into a teacher, startling them.

  " Oh-you must be Monika. Here, the stage entrance is right there, " The teacher pointed out. I nodded and said thank you, quietly walking up the stage stairs. As I stepped on the stage, I felt hundreds of eyes lock onto me, and I kept calming myself down by taking deep breaths. I turned to the crowd and stood in silence for a moment.

  " Ahem, " I shuffled my papers. " Hello fellow students. I am Monika and I am here to announce my retirement from the Debate club. " I announced calmly into the microphone. I felt myself grow calmer as I looked at my paper.

   " The Debate club was a place of great importance to me and I made many fun memories with its members, " I stated and looked up. I locked eyes with the Debate club president, who was just smiling widely. I suddenly felt my throat grow dry and my legs shaking. I paused. " I...I um...The cl-..ub.. " I felt myself sway where I stood. I clamped my hands over my mouth and bent over before collapsing on the floor, blacking out.

 (( Third Person Point of View ))

    Everyone watched closely as Monika stuttered over her words, visibly growing nervous. Students began to whisper to each other, most wondering why Monika was so freaked out, but the gossip was disturbed by a loud thud.

     Everyone looked up and at the stage, noticing Monika had collapsed on the floor. A girl with purple hair pushed through the crowd that was beginning to form and made her way onto the stage.

    " Oh my god- " The girl spoke, shuddering. " She collapsed and none here is even bothering to help her. " The violet haired girl lifted Monika up, stumbling slightly, and Making her way off the stage. She ushered herself down the stairs, away from the yelling crowd, and to the nurse.

    " Hm? " The nurse looked up and her eyes gave a puzzled look to the girl who was holding Monika. " Whats is her issue? " The nurse asked, getting to her feet and checking Monika for any severe wounds.

     " She just passed out, " The violet haired girl stated, worried, " I believe it was from shock, but I have no idea, ma'am. " The nurse put her palm against Monika's forehead.

   " She has a slight fever. Thank you for bringing her in. I will take care of her, " The nurse stated, dismissing the other girl. She bowed and left the nurses office with a slight sigh of relief.

After some time passes:

  I woke up with a slight gasp, realizing what had happened. I sat up quickly and the nurse grabbed my shoulders to hold me still.

  " Woah there! Calm down, " The nurse sternly stated and I blinked a few more times. I was confused of why I was not on stage. I kept thinking that the chaos would have made it impossible to move me from one place to another. I shook my head at the nurse as she took my temperature.

   " How long have I been out for..? " I asked, rubbing my head. The nurse checked the time on her clock and gave me a small head pat.

    " Only a few hours dear, " The nurse replied, handing me a pass. " You're going home early. " I glanced at the pass that marked me dismissed for the day, and then glanced back at the nurse.

  " Who brought me in? " I questioned the nurse, expecting it to be a male that was trying to play hero with me. Her answer shocked me slightly.

  " A girl with violet hair, " The nurse thought for a moment, squinting her eyes at the floor. " I never caught her name. " I sat there for a moment, trying to imagine that girl from the other night, but her image was too fuzzy to clearly see. I smiled at the nurse.

  " Thank you, " I said calmly, getting up and grabbing my bag, " Have a great day! " I waved at the nurse and she waved back gingerly. I walked out of the nurses office and sighed, making my way home. I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched, but I don't seem to bothered by it since I keep going in the direction of my home.

    Violet hair. Is it her...? Maybe. Just..maybe it was her.

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