Chapter 11: " I Do Hate Liars. "

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" Monika, " I heard Yuri's muffled voice and a pair of hands gently shaking me, " wake up. " I shook my head and sank lower under the blanket, groaning in protest. I suddenly felt a jolt against my legs as I was thrown out of the bed, slamming me against the floor. 

  " ACK! " I yelped. " That hurt- " I sat up and rubbed my head to see Yuri completely dressed in her school uniform with an apologetic smile.

   " You wouldn't wake up, " Yuri stated, " I had to improvise. " I shook my head and checked the time. 5:30 AM. I looked back at Yuri and questioned to myself how long she has been awake to get completely dressed like that. I groaned in pain.

    " You get up really...really early- " I sighed, rubbing my legs from the violent pull. Yuri tilted her head at me.

   " I expected you to get up this early. "

  " And why is that..? "

  " I thought someone such as you with such beauty would take quite some time to prepare. " Yuri smiled and knelt down next to me, petting my head. I blushed and glared at the floor. Was the intentional? Is she smooth talking me? To be honest, that wasn't such a bad move. Yuri pulled me to my feet quickly and it broke me from my thoughts.

   " A-agh! Alright, let me get ready and then we can head to school, " I said tiredly as I walked into the restroom. I shut the door and looked up, seeing my clothes for school already prepared for me. I fidgeted with my clothes. How in the world did she get these..? I leave them at my house-.. I slipped off my clothes and put on my school clothes, feeling a bit better. Maybe now I can be a little bit more assured that Yuri wont pull a knife on me.

    " Be quick, please, " Yuri said on the other side of the door, making me nearly slip. I grabbed the sink and yelped. " Are you alright? " I glared at the door. Don't spook me! You already scare me enough-

    " I am perfectly fine, Yuri, " I sighed, straightening my white bow. " Just a slip. " I heard Yuri walk away and gave a sigh of relief. That was a little different from her..but then again-..she did cry.. I frowned, looking at my reflection. My reflection gave me the same distant look as I had given it. I felt myself shudder as I looked out the window. I could see the leaves slowly withering, dying and falling onto the green grass.

     I slid my fingers over the handle gently, letting the feeling of brass sooth me. I don't know why, but every time I think of going to school my stomach churns. I heard the door handle move and I flinched back. Yuri opened the door and stared down at me.

    " Hesitant? " Yuri asked, leaning over me slightly. " Or are you just waiting. " I shook my head side to side, half expecting to confuse her just as much as I was confusing myself. It just made me look as lost as I was before, and she noticed it rather quickly. " I will take that as a yes. "

   " I didn't let me correctly answer, " I stated quickly, but Yuri just shook her head. I sighed. She wont let me win this will she? Persistent much..? " Alright, never mind. Fine, fine. " Yuri gently handed me my school bag.

    " I thought we should head there early today, " Yuri stated with a surprisingly calm voice.

   " Are you okay with us being in-separate classes? " I asked half hoping she wouldn't get upset about it. Maybe she will calm down at school and I can talk her out of keeping me here. Plus, maybe get her some professional help. I noticed how Yuri suddenly tensed up and moved closer to me. I tried to avoid making eye contact. " I'm going to-head to the door. "

   " No you're not, " Yuri grabbed my arm as I tried to walk away. I suddenly felt myself swell up with fear. " You're not telling me the truth. What your intention of going to school is. "

   " To get educated, " I said shakily, " of course.. " Yuri's grip got tighter.

    " Why would you lie to me, Monika? " Yuri asked, surprisingly calm, but a hint of sadness in her voice. I frowned.

   " I would.never lie to you.. " I said quickly. Maybe she will listen to me. Hopefully.

    " You're a liar, " Yuri stated as she pulled me closer to her. I began to breath heavily, wondering what she was going to do. Then, she pulls out a kitchen knife.

    " I hate liars, Monika. "

Hello, it's the author here!

I have been gone for QUITE some time! I am so sorry for that! Life just does its thing, you know? Anyways, back to the regularly schedule!

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