Chapter 5: " How are you feeling? "

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          As I arrived at my front doorstep, I saw a neatly folded piece of paper being held down by a rock in front of my door. I sighed and bent over, grabbing the note and unfolding it gently. I began to scan over the page, realizing it was a note.


You may not know me, but I was worried after seeing your panic attack on the stage. (Or that is what I believe it was. ) I just want to know if you're alright! In order to reply, just leave the note outside with a written answer. "

   I tilted my face slightly and looked through my bag for a pen or pencil in order to reply. Whoever this was, it could be the girl that saved me, so this could be my chance to see her. I grabbed my pen and began writing my response on the bottom of the page.

  " Hey! Thank you for checking up on me! I do not know who you are, but I do believe we have met before! Anyways, I am feeling better after visiting the nurse! "

   I set the note down under the rock and put the pen next to it just in case she writes a reply to me again. I unlocked my front door and went inside, going upstairs to my room, and sitting on my bed. I realized that the thought of being watched still lingered and I shuddered, sinking farther onto my bed with unease. I stared at my phone, scrolling through videos before hearing rustling outside my front door downstairs.

   It's her! I got to my feet and quickly, but quietly, crept down the stairs to the front door. I opened the door quickly, only seeing emptiness, but the rock was turned over. Both the note and pen were missing. Why did she take the pen..? I frowned, disappointed. Maybe this isn't even her, and just someone else. I am getting my hopes up too much. I shut the door, sitting on the couch and crossing my legs.

   " It's getting late, " I murmured to myself, realizing the sun was going down and the house was getting darker. I walked back upstairs and collapsed in bed, exhausted from today's events. I shut my eyes and felt myself drifting off. 

      I felt myself growing conscious again. I yawned slightly and curled up under the sheets, opening my eyes and peering outside the window. It was still late and dark outside, the only thing illuminating the room was the moonlight coming through the window. I turned on my side against the bed and saw something shuffle in the corner of my room.

     I sat up groggily and looked at the spot, seeing a large, feminine shape in the corner of my room. I rubbed my eyes, the figure stood still, staring at me.

  " W-who are you..? " I asked, slowly realizing that someone was inside my house. The feminine figure stepped forward, and the first thing I noticed was her violet hair and her kind smile.

  " I am a friend, " She stated calmly, walking over to me on my bed. I scuffled against the bed frame, trying to press away from her as she reached one hand out, placing it under my chin. I winced as she stared at me. " My name is Yuri. " She rubbed her thumb against my bottom lip.

   " I..e-rm..." I stammered, feeling sweat drip down my forehead.  How did she get in here? " I um..uh-..I.. " Yuri chuckled as she heard me stammer like an idiot. She let go of my chin and sat at the edge of my bed, just staring at me. I suddenly felt the fear and awkwardness overcome me as I slowly pressed my knees against my chest, hiding my face. I felt movement on her end of the bed.

    I could hear her breathing beside me, and I scrunched into a smaller ball, trying to avoid her. I suddenly felt her entire half of her body press against my side and I made an odd whimpering noise. Agh! What is she doing?!

   " I am glad I could finally see you face to face, " Yuri said calmly, sighing. " But, I have to go for now. You need your rest. " I lifted my head slightly to see Yuri smiling at me before getting up and slipping out of my window. I quickly sat up and looked out the window just barely seeing her walk off and out of my view. I was shaken by this very short, but terrifying interaction.

   " How did she...? " I asked myself, but stopped as I saw that the hinges on my window were completely unscrewed and look like they have been like that for at least two days. Has she been stalking me..? I looked back out the window, shuddering. No. That's not the right question. of course she was...the real questions are..why and how long?

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