Chapter I (First Encounter)

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A/N Hello there. This is my first fan fiction story. I don't own Prince of Tennis, Takeshi does. You know what, this story of mine took many years before I had write it. My pure intention is to share my story to you.

Hope you will enjoy reading it. Please have a review if you have time. Thanks.


Ruina breathed the crisp air that surrounds the morning in Seigaku high school grounds. It's her first day of school - she is excited to meet her new classmates, and schoolmates. She is a transferee coming from the United States. Her parents are Japanese, but decided to reside there for some time. She was five years old when her parents decided to leave Japan for her father saw an opportunity in land of milk and honey.

She look at her watch, it was already 8:40 am. Panicked wash over her, for she was late to her first period of class.

"Oh, shoot!" She exclaimed while running at the corridor inside the school.

"Ohayou! Gomen, Teacher." She found herself at the faculty room apologizing for being late in the first day of school.

"It's alright Ms. Takatori, maybe you are still adjusting here. I'm Miss Elene Kinimoto, welcome to Seigaku High." The teacher name Ms. Kinimoto greeted amd welcome her while smiling warmly at her. "I will guide you to your classroom." Her teacher said as it stands and leads the way to her classroom. On their way to her room, she kind of feel anxious because there are no other students walking on the corridor. It's not a good impression to be late on the first day of school.

"We're here." Ms. Kinimoto suddenly stops walking. Ms. Kinimoto knock softly and open the door slightly to call the attention of the other teacher-ushering to go out. She heard her  teacher excuse himself to her future classmates.

"This is Ruina Takatori, a transferee. Ms. Takatori, this is Mr. Shuichi Takamura." Ms. Kinimoto made the introductions. Both of them bowed at each other.

"Thank you Ms. Kinimoto for bringing her here." Mr. Takamura thank Ms. Kinimoto.

"Your welcome, Mr. Takamura. So, I will leave Ms. Takatori to you. I'll go ahead." She paste a smile as she bids her farewell and leave.

"Mr. Takamura, sorry for being late." She apologize as she bowed her head.

"It's okay, but don't do it next time." Her teacher smiled as he accepted her apology. She realizes if all teachers are like this, she can really adjust and fit sooner in the school.

"You must wait here. When I call your name, you can enter the room- okay?" She only nod at her teacher's instruction. She was hearing noises of mumblings and whisperings from the classroom. But when Mr. Takamura entered the classroom, it became quiet that only the beating of her heart can be heard. She doesn't know why she suddenly felt little nervous.

"Takatori, you can enter the room now." Mr. Takamura called her. She took an exhale breath as she slowly open the door and entered the classroom. Pairs of eyes darted on her and classmates began whispering to one another. She was glad the teacher speak to end the whisperings and darn looks.

"She is Ruina Takatori. She came from United States and she will be your classmate from this day." Mr. Takamura introduce her, so its her turn to greet her classmates.

"Ohayou! Nice meeting you all." She greeted them enthusiastically as she bowed her head while pasting her most wonderful smile. She was kind of relieved to see her classmates smiled back at her.

"Takatori, you sit beside Tezuka."

"Hai." She went to her designated seat. She was a little taken aback when a pair of brown eyes look on her. Unfathomable eyes wear eyeglasses - brown hair and quite handsome. Her future seatmate notice that she was looking him for a few minutes, darting his eyes from her to the window. She was flustered. How long had been she was staring to him?

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