Chapter Three : School
"Hey baby girl." Zach hugged Carla.
She hugged back, "Hello, Zach."
Alexis smiled and watched all her other friends say hello to the boys. But they were missing one. The blonde one.
"Where's Corbyn?" Alexis asked.
"He has to deal with something." Jonah answered.
It was lunch, so Alexis of course wondered where he was at. They have third period together, Alexis knew Corbyn was here today.
"That is?" Maryjane asked before she took a sip of her water.
"Stuff, don't worry about it." Daniel stated.
Leanna scoffed, "He's in a fight?"
The boys stayed quiet, "Oh my God, she's right." Alexis mumbled, "Who is it?"
"Don't worry about it, he told us to make sure you girls didn't worry about it, especially Alexis." Jack explained.
"Who is he fighting?" Roselyn asked.
"We can't tell you." Zach shook his head.
"We'll find out ourselves." Alexis shrugged as she stood up. Her friends nodded their heads and stood up as well.
"No, no, no, Corbyn said to not worry." Daniel grabbed into Maryjane's arm, "Mary, he's fine."
"But he could still get hurt." Alexis remarked.
"It's Corbyn, he may be a nerd, but he can put up a hell of a fight." Jack chuckled.
"Just tell me where he's at." Alexis begged.
"We can't tell you." Jonah looked at Alexis, "Corbyn didn't want you to worry, he's doing this for you."
"He's doing it for her?" Carla asked, "Look, I understand y'all like us, and don't say you don't, but that doesn't give him the right to fight someone."
"You don't understand." Zach said, "Nathan was talking about Alexis. Things like she was a cutter, she almost committed suicide." Zach explained.
"Corbyn heard him and told us to sit here and eat with you guys. He doesn't want you there to watch, Corbyn knows you guys hate fighting." Jonah finished as he held on Leanna's hand.
"Where is he?" Maryjane questioned.
"Maryjane, just drop it!" Daniel shouted.
Maryjane furrowed her eyebrows, "Did you just yell at me?"
Leanna quickly pushed Maryjane back to her seat, "Daniel don't shout at her, she hates that." She quickly stated.
Alexis looked at Daniel, "Tell is where Corbyn is and we won't let Mary beat the shit outta you."
"He's in the bathroom in the eleventh grade hallway." Daniel answered without hesitation.
"Daniel!" The other three exclaimed.
"Okay girls, let's go." Alexis stated as before she left.
"What? Maryjane hits hard." Daniel mumbled.
"Now, Corbyn is going to kill us." Jack scoffed, "Thanks Daniel."
"Well we can't sit here, we have to go!" Zach shouted before he quickly got up and followed the girls.
The other three followed him. After a minute they caught up with the girls, who were standing outside the boys bathroom.
"What? Too scared to go in the bathroom?" Jonah jokingly said.
"No, I've been in here before." Carla said.
The nine walked into the bathroom. As walking in they heard the sound of punches and slaps. Also the sound of someone groaning in pain, someone falling to the ground. But then it stopped. They hear someone say, "Don't talk shit again."
Alexis widened her eyes, "Corbyn."
"Alexis." Corbyn quickly went up to her, "What are you guys doing her?" He wrapped his arms around her, "I told the guys to keep you at lunch."
Alexis pushes Corbyn away from her, "Why?"
"Why what?" Corbyn asked.
"Why did you hurt him?" Alexis shouted as she pointed to Nathan who was laying on the floor. Blood was covering parts of him face.
"We can talk about this later, Alexis." Corbyn mumbled.
"No! Tell me why you did it!" Alexis shouted. Tears were pouring out of her eyes.
"I'll tell you later, just please stop crying." Corbyn whispered as he wiped the tears off her cheeks.
Alexis slapped his hand away, "Don't touch me, you have blood in your hands."
Maryjane pulled Alexis away, "C'mon Lexi, let's go, we have a test next period."
"Lexi." Corbyn mumbled.
The five boys watched the five girls walk away. More like they were begging them to stay with their eyes.
"Fuck!" Corbyn shouted.

Fanfiction"Tell me what's wrong." "You wouldn't understand." "Just tell me." "No." "Did you just say no to me?" "Yes, yes I did." "I've to punish you now." READ "THE BAD BOY WANTS ME" TO UNDERSTAND THIS BOOK!!!! Thank you ! ❤️❤️