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Chapter Twenty-Three : Skipping Again

"It felt magical." Carla sighed with a smile on her face.

Maryjane scrunched her face up, "You're acting like you and Zach never kissed before."

"Oh shut up." Carla smacked her shoulder, "You and Daniel were getting a bit frisky."

The five girls were in the bed of Leanna's truck. Only this time, the girls realized the boys didn't say a word when the walked by. Weird.

"Magical my ass, he didn't even say hi." Leanna scoffed as she pointed at the five walking figures.

"He's probably in a bad mood." Carla shrugged.

Roselyn rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right."

Alexis watched Corbyn. He didn't turn his head to her.

"Hey, let's skip."

THÈ BRÔKÉÑ & THÊ BRÀÎŃŚ (2)Where stories live. Discover now