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Chapter Twenty-Two : Kissing

"You know, I never expected you to have a party side." Corbyn whispered into Alexis' ear.

Alexis and Corbyn were dancing. Alexis swayed her hips to the beat of the music, Corbyn had his hands on the side of her hips. Sometimes his hands would "slip" but Alexis wouldn't mind.

"There is a lot things you don't know about me."

Alexis and Corbyn continued to dance. Their small little world, no one dared to interrupt them. Well, expect their friends.

"As much as you guys wanna have sex again, we have other issues." Maryjane pulled Alexis off of Corbyn.

Corbyn raised his hands up and sighed with disappointment, "Hey!"

Alexis rolled her eyes, "What's the problem?"

"Jayden and his friends." Daniel scoffed. The other nine followed Daniel's glare, "They have been staring at you guys since you got here." Daniel snaked his hand around Maryjane's waist, she didn't seem to mind.

"What does that have to do with us?" Leanna asked, "Like we can just ignore them."

"What?" Jonah questioned.

"I know, it's a crazy and hard idea for you guys." Leanna sarcastically nodded.

Jack rolled his eyes, "We can't just ignore them. We tried to talk things out, and you guys were part of it."

Roselyn scoffed, "Like we forgot."

"What's he is trying to say, is that we don't get along. Talking or not."

"Maybe you guys should do something to make them stop staring." Carla suggested.

Zach smirked, "Great idea, baby girl."

Zach grabbed Carla by the back of her neck and smashed their lips together. Carla melted into the kiss, now everyone was pretty sure that's all they'll do.

Alexis felt Corbyn's gaze on her. Alexis turned to him and said, "Don't even think about it."

Corbyn smirked, "I already am." Corbyn came closer to Alexis, Alexis didn't move back. Alexis looked up at him, Corbyn smiled and gently placed his lips on hers.

"Why are those four kissing?" Leanna scoffed.

"Because of those five, also don't get mad at me." Jonah stated before he placed his soft lips onto Leanna's.

"Ma." Jack sang with a smirk on his face, "We can't have other guys staring at you like that."

Roselyn rolled her eyes, "Lets get this over with." She grabbed a handful of Jack's shirt and smashed their lips together.

"Then there was two." Daniel stated.

Maryjane rolled her eyes, "I'm doing this because I hate when pedophiles look at me."

After those words, everyone was paired up and kissing, like their was no tomorrow. Carla's and Zach's was more sloppy, whilst Alexis' and Corbyn's was more slow and gentle.

The five girls were the ones to pull away first after two minutes. All ten had red lips, super plump and swelled.

The boys smirked and laughed. The girls rolled their eyes and scoffed.

"One time thing." Maryjane wagged her finger.

"That's what you said that one time as well." Daniel whispered into her ear.

Alexis looked up at Corbyn, "They stopped staring?"

Corbyn turned his head to the left. Jayden and his friends were in the kitchen getting drinks, "I think they got the message."

Alexis sighed, "Thank God!"

Corbyn laughed, "You don't suck at kissing."

"I'm the best kisser." She cockily stated.

"Let's see."

THÈ BRÔKÉÑ & THÊ BRÀÎŃŚ (2)Where stories live. Discover now