Chapter 4

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After I told Blair  about Felix liking Yen she looked really pissed. I watched her angrily  smash something into her phone and I got a little nervous. I didn't know what she was doing, but I had a bad feeling about it. After a while she got a shocked expression on her face and that was it.

"Whatda do?" I ask curiously.  

She looked at me, "Uh I put in my plans to burn Yen's house down". 

I looked at her, she did more than that I know it, "Okay". 

A few minutes later my phone went off so I pulled out my phone, Felix messaged me and I told Blair then messaged him back.

Felix: Hey wanna hang with me and the guys tonight?

                                                                               Y/N: Yeah. Where?

Felix: Umm You place or my place?

                                              Y/N: Your place, mine's a mess rn cuz of you😂.

Felix: Lol my place it is see you around 7:00.

                                                                                           Y/N: Okay bye.

"What was that all about?" asked Blair trying to peak at the screen of my phone.

"Nothin, me Felix and the guys are gonna hang out tonight" I said putting my phone away. 

"Okay. Do we have time to go out and eat? I'm starving!" she said rubbing her tummy.

I was pretty hungry to so what the heck, "Yeah, i'm supposed to meet up with them around 7:00".

Me and Blair decided to go to a Mexican restaurant since it was close. We walked up their together and I told her about the fight that supposed to go down at school. She looked surprised and got excited because she likes watching fights. Sometimes I didn't understand Blair, she could read me like no one else, she fought sometimes tbh it was pretty interesting. She was always there for me, which helped me a lot. Felix was always by my side too. I don't know what's going on with him honestly. Maybe I never really knew him in the first place. We arrived at the restaurant and took our seats. After we ordered we had a little chat and by the time we were done it was around 6:00 so we went to our own houses and I got ready to go hang out with the guys. I walked to Felix's house and knocked on the door. 

Seungmin answered the door, "Y/N, we missed you so much!" he said giving me a big hug.

I hugged him back and walked into the living room, "Hey guys!" 

Hyunjin ran up and gave me a big hug, following a hug from the rest of the guys.

"You've gotten taller" Changbin said patting my head.

I smiled at him, "So what do you guys wanna do?"

"Watch a movie!!" Jeongin called out.

"Fine with me" Felix said shrugging.

I sat down on the couch with Hyunjin. Felix and Woojin picked out a movie together, which was a bad idea since Woojin loves scary movies and Felix hates them. Felix got his way and we watched an action movie. Throughout the movie me and Hyunjin had a conversation on random things and he made me laugh a lot because, surprisingly, he's pretty funny. After the movie I went home and decided to go to bed.

Time Skip

I got up for school and got ready as usual. As I was walking to Felix's house I was hoping nothing would be awkward between us. I decided I was just gonna tell Yen Felix liked her and be done with it. I got closer to Felix's house and him and some of the other guys were outside. Hyunjin ran up to me.

"Hey wassup!" he said.

"Nothin just picking up Felix for school" I said.

"Okay, are you gonna come over and hang out with us after?" He said and smiled.

"Yeah, if I don't have to much homework" I said and returned the smile.

"Great!!" he said giving me a hug, "Well, i'm gonna leave you alone so you and Felix can go to school". 

He left and Felix approached and started walking with me, "Hey, ready for school".

"Yeah I guess, the only thing i'm ready for is that fight, assuming it'll actually happen" I said. Sometimes people say their gonna fight, but don't.

"I hope, cause if it does the school will drag us to the auditorium about how "we shouldn't fight" and we'll get out of class" he said giving me this look because he's right. 

We were walking up to the school yard when the morning bell went off.  Me and Felix ran through the school yard and hurriedly grabbed our things for first hour. I walked into first hour breathless, thank goodness our teacher usually started late. I sat down and opened my textbook and began studying until something poked me in the back. I turn around and it's Austin.

He lowed his pencil from my back, "Did you hear about the fight?"

"Yeah" I turned sideways so I could study and listen to him, "How do the teacher's not know about it".

"What do you mean?" He looked at me confused.

I made eye contact with him, "Everyone is talking about it, duh".

"Well only the snitches don't know" He took out his text book, "I'll see you at the fight Mr. Jason is starting class". 

I went back to studying before the teacher noticed us talking. As usual the first hour went by slow and then the bell rang and I was headed for my second hour class. I took my seat and waited for Yen to walk in so could tell that hoe Felix liked her. Kids started to spill into the class and I spotted Yen.

"Hey" I called out to her and she approached me, " Felix wanted me to tell you that he likes you".

"Really." Her eyes lit up. A new victim I thought. 

After lunch the fight went down, Austin recorded it, it was really good up until the teachers came and broke it up. After that the day went by the same, except people were talking about the fight. I packed what I needed and was headed out the doors and I seen Yen talking to Felix. He looked really awkward and then it got even more awkward when me and him made eye contact. I decided to just walk home alone and let Felix talk to the little hoe. I walked past Felix's house and when I got about five feet away from it someone called my name.

I turned around, "Hey Hyunjin!".

He caught up with me, "Felix didn't walk with you?".

I looked down, "nah, he's busy".

"Are you gonna come over?" He said waiting for my answer.

"No, i'm sorry iv'e got a lot of work" I said pouting.

"Well, you want me to walk with you?" He said with a smile.

"yeah" He walked next to me all the way home telling me about funny things the other guys did and just stuff that didn't relate to anything we were saying. I walked to my door and began to open it until Hyunjin grabbed my wrist. I turned around and our lips met. The kiss seemed to last forever, he put his hand on my neck to deepen the kiss, then he slid his hand to my lower waist and broke the kiss.

He looked at me, "Y/N, will you be my Girlfriend?"  

I don't even know what to say . . . 

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