Chapter 13

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Felix POV

After leaving Y/N's I went to my place. It was raining by the time I got inside and I was a little wet which didn't make me feel any better. I can't believe what just happened, I don't think Y/N will ever even think about talking to me again. I felt like crying, but I held it in since the others were home. I was walking through the hallway when someone called my name.

I turned around and it was Jeongin, "You look sad, wassup?" 

I didn't want to tell him what really happened so I made something up, "I got all wet outside" I wasn't completely lying cuz I was sad that I got wet.

He surveyed me, "Hmmm stupid thing to get that sad about".

Relieved that he didn't suspect anything I hurriedly went to my room before anyone else could see me.I closed the door and looked out my window. I pulled out my phone and messaged Yen, I told her to leave me alone and if she didn't I was going to call the cops and charge her with harassment. She later responded back and said that she would leave me alone as long as I didn't call the cops, then she said that I was still her boyfriend and shouldn't be acting like this. I told her that I was breaking up with her and to just leave me alone. She blocked me. I didn't know what else to do next so I just went to bed. 

Next Morning Y/N POV

I woke up later than I wanted and just went down to eat breakfast. It was pretty boring since I live alone. I had nothing to do for the whole day so I just went to the store to get some things I needed. When I was at the store I went ahead and got more bathroom supplies like shampoo and toilet paper. After I got done with all that I went ahead to the snack section. I looked at the snacks and realized how boring tonight was going to be alone. With those thoughts, I decided to call Jisung.
J=jisung y= Y/N
J- hello
Y- hey Jisung it's Y/N, do you and the guys wanna come over tonight?
J- Yeah! What time?
Y-  um 6:00 I guess and do me a favor and make sure Felix doesn't come.
J- okay, but why?
Y- it's a long story just make sure he doesn't come pls.
J- hmmm okay well I'll see you tonight. Bye.
After I hung up I saw a girl around my age that was giving me a dirty look and I figured she heard my conversation with Jisung and was judging me for telling him not to invite Felix. Oh well. I grabbed snacks and left for my house.
Jisung POV
After Y/N told me not to invite Felix I was pretty shocked, but I went with it so nothing got complicated. After she hung up I sat around and thought about things for a bit. Felix is my friend and I didn't want to leave him out. I decided to go to Felix's room and pay him a visit. The door was cracked so I let myself in, I looked around the dark room until I saw a little light and Felix playing video games.
I flicked on the light, "Hey feli-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. He didn't look like his usual happy self.
He looked up from his game, "wassup Jisung".
I frowned, "nothin . . . Hey umm Y/N invited us to hang out with her tonight. . . are you coming?"
He looked down, " I don't know. . . did she invite me too"?
"Yeah~" I lied.
"I guess . . . Just let me think about it okay". He said unsure about what he wanted to do.
I made a face, "pls come! It won't be the same without you!!!". I said and playfully jumped on him
He laughed, "Okay I'll go! Just get off me mate!".
I looked at him happily, "Great! Were going at 6:00!".
I ran out of his room happy that my plan was working. I was going to invite Felix knowing that Y/N didn't want him to come, then I and the guys are gonna leave for the night so they can be alone and make-up.
I knew that Felix and Y/N were going through a fight and Felix hasn't been doing too well so I hope this works.
Felix POV
I and the guys walked up Y/N's steps and Woojin knocked. A few moments later Y/N opened the door, she looked around at us smiling and as soon as her eyes landed on me her smile faded. She let us in and pulled Jisung to the side, there were whispering some things and then came back to the living room. Some of the guys sat on the floor and Y/N was as far a she could be from me. We decided to watch a series on Netflix. Halfway through the snacks that we had were gone, but the series was getting interesting. I wanted to tell Y/N that I wasn't with Yen and that I was sorry, but I knew this wasn't the time. Jisung and some of the other guys started whispering up a storm, then they got up and said they were going out to get more snacks. They left and it was silent, the awkward type of silence. The guys never came back so me and Y/N finished the whole series in silence, without snacks. I couldn't handle the silence anymore.
"Y/N listen, I'm sorry for everything".
She just stared at me and I didn't know what else to say.
"I've had enough" I mumbled. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to her room.

Hey, I'm finally back!!! Sorry, I haven't been updating, I'm super busy (sleeping) The next chapter may have smut sooo.... oh and I got stung by another bee😤🐝 . Haven't spellchecked so don't attack me.

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