Coming Out Pt. 2

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Jughead and Archie were peacefully sleeping when Mr. Andrews called them down for breakfast. Jughead sat up and yawned, looking down at his handsome boyfriend.

'God he's so beautiful." Jughead thought lovingly.

And he really was. Even with the tousled hair and wrinkled shirt, his face held a content expression that made Jughead's heart melt. It looked as though last night, or earlier this morning depending on how you look at it, had never happened.

When Fred called their names again, Jughead smiled and got up. He laughed when he heard Archie's whine and saw his arms reach out and try to grab him back.

"Jughead," Archie whined

"Yeah baby?" Jughead responded playfully

"Come back! It's cooooooold" Archie said, pouting

Jughead chuckled, "But your dad wants us to get up so we can eat breakfast."

Archie looked over at the time. It read 10:30. He groaned.

Jughead chuckled, "C'mon. I'll feed you."

At hearing that, Archie perked up, "Really?"

Jughead rolled his eyes, "Sure Arch. Now c'mon! You don't want cold pancakes, do you?"

"No, but I do want a good morning kiss before I have to get up." Archie said, batting his eyes

"Ugh, fine." Jughead said, faking annoyance.

He planted a sweet kiss on Archie's lips. When Archie tried to deepen it, he pulled away.

"Nope. Not until we've brushed our teeth. Just because I have morning breath doesn't mean that I want to taste it too." Jughead said teasingly

Archie pouted but complied. Once they were done getting ready and Jughead finished feeding Archie and himself, they headed back up to Archie's room.

 Once they were done getting ready and Jughead finished feeding Archie and himself, they headed back up to Archie's room

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*Archie's Phone Buzzes*

"Hey Jughead, Betty and Ronnie want to know if we can meet them at Pop's." Archie said

Jughead didn't look up from the screen but said, "Yeah."

Archie moved so that he was right behind Jughead and hugged his front.

"We should tell them babe," Archie said quietly

Jughead paled but didn't respond or look away from the screen.

Archie nuzzled him, "We're gonna have to tell them at some point Jug."

Jughead sighed and put down the controller.

"I don't know..... what if they're..... you know..." Jughead said

"Babe, they've literally teased us about being together and have been trying to get us to kiss for weeks." Archie said comfortingly

"Yeah... alright fine. I'll go." Jughead said reluctantly

Archie smiled and kissed his cheek.

(Time skip to Pop's)

By the time Jughead and Archie got to Pop's, Ronnie and Betty were already in their usual booth. They seemed worried about something as they talked over their half-drunk milkshakes.

"Let's go babe." Archie said as he got out

Jughead reluctantly got out of the car and walked over to Archie. Archie grabbed his hand and led him into the shoppe. They slid into the booth across from B and V and ordered some shakes and burgers even though neither of them were very hungry.

"We have something that we have to tell you." Betty said

"So do we," Archie responded

"You go first," Veronica said

"No you," Archie responded

Jughead sighed and rolled his eyes. "How about this. On the count of three, we say it."

"One," B and V were squeezing each other's hands so tightly that their fingers were loosing circulation

"Two," Jughead grabbed Archie's hand and squeezed it.


"We're dating."


When I Looked Into Your Eyes (Jughead X Archie) (Jarchie)Where stories live. Discover now