Dear Umi, Tattoo

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 (please don't kill me.)

Dear Umi, 

I know what's Haraam and not, but it's still didn't stop  me from getting it. I wish I could say I regret it but I don't. I got a tatto. It wasn't a meaningless one. It's your name on my arm in cursive...I don't regret it. I hate looking at it though.

I have been spending a lot of time on the internet these past couple of days. I've read some coming to islam stories. It breaks my heart to read them. I feel like I'm losing a grip on my sanity and order. I haven't seen the twins for three weeks now. They would instantly cheer me up at a time like this.

I had always to liked  isolate my self as teenager,but know that I know what real isolation is I don't like it. Not one bit.

Third week of ramadhan, I havent been fasting this week, I don't have my period. Go figure.



*haraam- prohibited.

Dear Umi, I love you Where stories live. Discover now