Chapter 1

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This chapter is just to introduce the story I guess.
Peter is 16 Wade is 17.

                  "Alright class, listen up! We have a field trip this Friday. You'll need to get these slips signed and turned in by Thursday. Do you guys want to know where we're going?" The class began to nod their heads frantically and the teacher chuckled softly before his excited smile grew.

                   "We're going on a tour of Stark tower!" The class erupted in cheers as some high fives each other. Peter and Ned looked at each other and smiled as they began to talk.

                    "Dude, this is so cool. We're going on a trip to where you work! This is so exciting!" Peter nods his head and smiles until he feels Flash put an arm around his shoulder.

                      "Hey Penis! Ready for everyone to find out you don't actually have an internship?" Peter just rolled his eyes and waited for school to end.
—time skip—
"Parker, Peter. Level 3, intern. Welcome back Mr.Parker." Peter smiled as he walked through the scanner and other interns waved at him. They all grew very fond of him after they found out how old he was. He walked towards the lab that he did most of his work in and sat at his little desk. Peter began his work before he heard someone roll their chair up beside Peter.

"So a little birdie told me your class has a field trip here," Peter turned his head and smiled as he saw Jessie. He smiled back and continued his sentence. "Guess who's gonna be your tour guide. Me. Aren't you lucky Pete." Peter just chuckled softly before turning his body to face Jessie.

"How's your little project coming along? Has it blown up again?" Jessie rolled his eyes and pushed Peter softly.

"That happened one time," Peter gave him a look. "Okay twice." The look intensified and Jessie sighed. "Fiiiine. Seven times, but it actually works now. It was sent up to the higher levels this morning." Peter pat his shoulder and smiled at him until another worker walked in.

"Parker! Stop getting distracted! You need to do your work. You already hold us back enough."

"Yes Ms.Emily." Peter sighed and got back to work. Emily was the only intern that didn't like Peter and that caused all the other interns to not like her that much. Jessie rolled his eyes and pat Peter on the back before leaving him alone.

—time skip—
Peter finished at the tower at 5:30, just like always, and put on his suit. It wasn't a very good suit, but it got the message out. After an hour of patrol, he sat on the top of a building and waited.

"Hey Petey!" Peter smiled as he turned and saw his friend climbing up the fire escape.

"Hey Wade." He sat next to Peter and they began to talk about random stuff. Some of it didn't really make sense, but it was fun.

"So Pete, anything interesting happening? New project, teacher?"

"I'm going on a field trip to the tower on Friday." Wade stared at him for a minute before he began to laugh. Peter tried to glare at him, but he couldn't help but to laugh with Wade. After they settled down, Wade pulled Peter into a side hug.

"Only you Peter. Only you." He waved as he began to climb down the fire escape again. Peter waved back and gave a small smile. A few minutes pass after Wade leaves where Peter just sits and watches the sun set. He smiles again before swinging home.

A/N: for a first chapter, it's not too bad I guess. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!!

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