Chapter 14

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Peter was screwed. Correction, Spider-Man was screwed. You know what? Both were screwed. He was currently fighting a weird robot creature with the Avengers and he was loosing a lot of blood. His suit was torn on his right side and thigh and was drenched in his blood. The fight ended and he leaned against a building as he began to slowly loose consciousness. Before he did, he saw the team kneel beside him.

"Hey spidey. You're gonna be okay. We're gonna get you all fixed up." Peter tried to nod his head, but he fell unconscious before he could. Steve picked him up and they made their way to the tower quickly.
—time skip—
"He has a head injury that can't be fixed without taking his mask off. I don't want to do anything without his permission until he wakes up, but he might not wake up until it gets fixed."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Take the damn mask off!" Bruce let out a soft sigh.

"We don't know why he keeps his mask on. There's probably a reason. And Fury will flip if he finds out we know and didn't tell him." Natasha rolled her eyes and led the team to Spider-Man's room.

"I'll take his mask off and we'll just tell Fury we didn't." Bruce seemed hesitant, but he nodded his head. Natasha took off his mask quickly but carefully and dropped it as she saw his face. Tony stepped up and covered his face as he saw as well.

"No." The rest of the team looked and gasped as they saw Peter. Fifteen year old Peter Parker was Spider-Man. Bruce shook himself out of his shock and got to work on his injuries. Natasha looked up at Tony to see his face full of fear. She pulled him aside and he began speaking before she even asked him to.

"He's just a kid Nat. My kid. If something happened to him it would be my fault and then May would be made at me. Does May even know? Does Jessie? We should've found a way to keep his mask on." Natasha gave him a look and he stopped talking.

"I know he's a kid. But he's a strong kid. He's been on a lot of missions with us and he's saved us multiple times. And I don't know if anyone else knows. Also, now that we have his mask off we can fix his head injury. We wouldn't be able to do that if we kept his mask on." Tony nodded slowly and let out a breath. They went back into the room and Bruce was gently wiping the blood from Peters forehead. Tony had to look away as he saw the deep cut that trailed behind his hairline.

The team let out sighs of relief as Bruce finished what he needed to do. Now, they just had to wait.

A/N: my dogs are the cutest things ever and I love them but they're stressing me out. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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