Chapter 10

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Peter was just sitting in his apartment before his spidey sense sent a small warning through his body. He didn't think much of it since it would act up a few times like this. But then it started buzzing to a point where he could almost here it if he wanted to. He looked around the room slowly, but he couldn't see anything. He got out of bed slowly and walked towards the living room.

"May?" As soon as the word left his mouth, the door busted opened and people ran into the room. They all pointed guns at Peter and he put his hands up in fear. May was pushed out of her room by a man and Peter yelled at him. He was stopped as someone hit the back of his head. May tried to run to him, but the man held her back. Then, a man walked up to Peter and he recognized him immediately.

"Nice to meet you Mr.Parker. Or is it a Stark now? My name is Ross. Anyways, you are coming with us since you didn't sign the accords. You are seen as a threat and you need to be controlled." Peters eyes widened, but he didn't speak. He didn't know what to say. He was pulled to his feet and dragged out of the apartment.
—at the tower—
The team was playing Mario kart when they got a phone call from May. Tony answered it immediately and paused the game.

"May, what's wrong?" They could hear panicked breathing and their worry grew.

"It's Peter. Tony they- they took him." The teams eyes widened in fear. Tony's fist tightened before responding.

"Who took him?"

—time skip//two weeks later—
Tony was typing furiously on his computer as Bucky, Natasha and Clint paced behind him. They were trying to find Peter, but Ross hid himself well. Until they got a call. A video call.

"Hello Tony. Nice to see you here. Now, I think I have something you all would like back." The camera shifted to show Peter tied to a chair, blood covering his face. The four people in the room growled before Tony spoke.

"You son of a bitch. I'll kill you." Ross seemed scared for a second before amusement flashed in his eyes.

"I'd like to see you try." The call ended and Tony let out a shaky breath.


"The call had been traced sir."
—time skip—
The Avengers were standing in front of Ross after they knocked all his guards out. Tony walked up to him slowly.

"I told you I'd kill you." Just like before, fear passed over Ross' face before he smirked at the man.

"And I told you I'd like to see you try." He jumped out of a window and onto a plane. It took off quickly and no one had time to go after it. Tony broke down the door and made his way to Peter quickly. The teen looked at the man with tired eyes and Tony gave him a worried smile.

"Hey Pete. You're gonna be okay. We're gonna get you out of here and get you to Bruce. He'll fix you up." Peters tired gaze stayed on Tony before he spoke in a broken voice.

"Dad?" Tony froze slightly before smiling at Peter again.

"Yeah it's me Pete. I'm here. You're gonna be okay." Peter nodded softly before he fell unconscious.

A/N: I'm tired. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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