Chapter 18

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It was three months after the incident when Peter woke up. And when he did, he woke up screaming in pain and clawing at his chest. Tony tried to take his hands away, but the kid was too strong. They had to call in Steve and Bucky so they could hold the kids arms down as they tried to give him some pain medicine. Peter had tears streaming down his face, sobs choking him as he tried to breathe. Tony watched in horror as his kid cried out to him.

"It hu-hurts Dad. I don't know whats happening. I can't..." He was cut off as he passed out from exhaustion. Steve and Bucky released his arms and Tony sank into the chair next to Peters bed again. Steve put a comforting hand on Tony's shoulder, but Tony barely noticed. Steve let out a sigh before walking out of the room with Bucky. Tony sat by the hospital bed as he watched Peters chest rise and fall. It meant he was alive, but it also meant he could be in pain. A tear ran down his face as he rested his forehead against the edge of the bed.

"Come on Pete. You have to get better. You're Spider-Man. Please..." he trailed off as more tears filled his eyes. He grabbed Peters hand and kissed the kids knuckles softly. He couldn't even think about losing his kid. Why did he have to call him dad for the first time when he was hurt?

A/N: I feel really sick right now, so you get a poorly written chapter. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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