Chapter 3

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                  The class was about half way through the tour. They were now walking through the labs where Peter and Jessie did most of their work when they were rudely interrupted.

                    "Parker!" He winced as the sudden yell affected his senses. Jessie rolls his eyes before giving Peter a sympathetic look. The class just looked on in shock as an older woman walks up to Peter angrily.

                    "You were supposed to finish your research yesterday. It's not done and now you're walking around the tower when you're not even supposed to be working."

                    "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding ma'am. I finished my research two days ago. Also I'm here on a field trip. This is my class." The woman looks at the other students and gives a fake smile. She waved before glaring at Peter and walking off. Flash and his friends chuckle softly while Jessie rubs Peters back. He smiles at him before continuing the tour.
—time skip—
                     "Alright students. Now we are going to Mr.Starks personal lab. He wants to show us new technology that will be used to help with investigations and other stuff like that." The students began to talk excitedly as they were led to another lab. They walked in and their conversations stopped as they see Tony standing in the middles of the room. He smirks at the kids before gesturing to the chairs.

                        "Have a seat." They do as they're told and then they notice the other Avengers in the room. They were all there. They began to whisper to each other until Tony raised his hand slightly. All conversation stopped and the teacher looked slightly angry at that. Tony smiled at the students again and then started his explanation.

"This new technology can compare DNA with any person in the world and the smallest piece of evidence. Friday is responding now, but when we hand it out they'll get a different AI." Everyone stares in shock as if they didn't think Tony Stark would be able to do this. He just smiled smugly at all of them then tells them he'll show them.

"This is a computer from one of the intern labs. We'll be able to see who used it last with this technology. Friday?" The response is almost immediate.

"Katlyn Jennings,20, was the last person to use that sir." Everyone gasped again in awe and Jessie nudged Peters shoulder. Peter nudged him back and smiled softly. The only ones to notice were Natasha and Steve. They just assumed the kid was an intern and this was a college class or the two were related. They didn't really focus on that. Tony didn't give them much information.

"Sometimes, it doesn't even need another object. Friday, does anyone in this room share similar DNA?"

"Yes boss." Tony smiles smugly until he sees the students looking at him in confusion. Natasha and Steve looked at each other. So the two weren't related. Tony clears his throat.

                           "Who are these people Fri?" The AI seems to hesitate before she answers.

                           "One of them seems to be you boss." The class and the Avengers gasp. Who shares DNA with Tony? He looked at his team and they nodded to him.

                          "Who's... who's the other person Friday?" Another pause before the answer.

"Mr.Parker,15, student of the tour group, and level 3 intern." Everyone turns to Peter in shock and Peters eyes widen as well.

"Why is our DNA similar Fri?" Tony has a knowing look in his eyes after seeing the kid, but he needs clarification.

"DNA shows that he is your son, boss." The class gasps again. Puny Parker is related to Tony Stark.

"Pardon?" Clint asks loudly. Jessie just smiled at Peter and pushed him forward softly. Peter stumbles, but catches himself before he falls into the older man. The class is ushered out of the room and now it's just Peter in the room with the Avengers.

"What's your name, kid?" Rhodey asked.

"Peter, sir." Clint looks between him and Tony before he laughs.

"Okay I saw similarities, but the kid is too polite to be related to you." Tony rolls his eyes and so does Peter out of instinct. Clint gasped.

"Oh my god, he is your kid!"

"Shut up Clint!" Natasha exclaims. Steve sighs before he looks at the kid again.

"Where do you live Peter?" Peter looks shocked at the question, but answered after he clears his throat.

"Um, in an apartment, in Queens with my aunt." They all look at him some more until Natasha coughs to get their attention.

"Alright. Well we'll leave you two alone for a while. Get to know each other." Everyone follows, except for Clint. He has to be pushed out.

A/N: who woulda thunk. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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