Chapter 22

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They mixed every medicine together and gave it to Peter. Nothing happened and they began to think nothing could really help the kid. Then, Peter began to scream again and his body began to shake. Black began to spread through his veins and the kid looked at it in confusion.

"Dad, what's hap-happening to me?" Tony doesn't get to say anything before the kid passes out again. He glared at Bruce and Stephen.

"What the hell was that? I don't think that's normal, doc." Bruce and Stephen had similar looks of panic and confusion on their faces.

"I- I don't know. Maybe we should get Wanda in here. She can look into his mind, right? Maybe she can see what's happening." Tony let's out another sigh as he nods his head again. He tells Friday to bring the girl down and she arrives in less than five minutes.

"What's wrong with Peter? And why do you need me to help?"

"Could you look into his mind? Maybe see what's causing this?" Wanda nods her head and red flares around her hand. She holds it up to Peters head and her head tilts in confusion. She brings up her other hand. After a few minutes, she drops her hands and let's out a sigh. Tony gives her a questioning look.

"Something's blocking his mind. I can't see anything." Everyone's eyes widen as they look back at the kid. Maybe that weapon did more than hit him.

A/N: This is short, but can anyone guess where this is going? I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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