Chapter 6

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                    The whole team was in the training room when they saw the door open. The teen they recognized as Peter walked in.

                    "Hey, Peter right? What are you doing here?" The kid jumped at the voices but smiled once he noticed them.

                      "Mr.Stark told me to come down here to see if I wanted to make something new for this room." They looked at him in confusion.

                       "Why would Tony let you build something for the training room?"

                         "He said if I can make an AI in three days, I can make something useful to you guys in a few weeks." Bruce stood up from the bench he was on and walked towards him.

                          "You built an AI in three days?" Peters eyes widened as he saw Bruce and his smile got slightly bigger before he answered.

                           "Yes sir, Mr.Banner. Her name's Karen." Bruce asked if he could see her and they started to walk out of the room.

                            "Don't you want to look around to get an idea?" Peter just shook his head as he continued to walk out.

                            "I already have multiple ideas." The team kept their shocked stares on the door even after it closed.

A/N: This is just a filler chapter because I usually write the chapters the day before, but I wrote this chapter today. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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