Chapter 17

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Tony sat next to Peters hospital bed every day. It's been two months. The team would visit every few hours, but they would usually leave the two alone. Ned and Mj would stop by when they had time. Ned would usually stay longer than Mj. Jessie stayed all day when he had off days and he would visit during his lunch break when he was working. Peters aunt was the same as Jessie. One day, someone came by for the first time. They knocked on the door softly. Tony looked up and was surprised to see Wade. He just looked at Peter before turning to Tony with a sad smile.

"Hey tin can. Nice to see you here." Tony heard Wades shaky voice as he looked back down at Peter. Tony gestured to the chair on Peters other side and Wade made his way over. He sat down slowly before grabbing Peters hand. He gave Peter a soft smile even though he couldn't see it.

"Hey baby boy." If the room wasn't so quiet, Tony wouldn't have been able to hear that. He looked up at Wade and saw a tear run down his face before he wiped it away and cleared his throat. He looked up at Tony since he felt like someone was looking at him. He met Tony's eyes and gave the man an awkward smile. Tony just returned it with a tired smirk.

"You really care about Pete don't you?" Wade looked down at his hands as he began to fiddle with Peters fingers.

"Of course I do. It's Peter. You can't not like him." Tony just chuckled softly and nodded his head in agreement. They sat in silence for a few more minutes, just listening to the heart monitor, when Wade let out a frustrated sigh. Tony looked at him confused.

"Why isn't his healing doing anything? He's been shot before and he healed in about an hour." He let out another sigh as he put his head in his hands.

"This wasn't a normal gun Wade," Tony sighed. "This is something we've never seen before. We don't know how long it will take for Peter to wake up since we have nothing to test on and it's too dangerous to test him." Wade sighed again and stayed quiet for the rest of the day. The two just say there, waiting for Peter to wake up.

A/N: I really don't know what I'm doing anymore. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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