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haha posting this just after Madders scored a goal in the Euro's😉⚽️

"sorry miss this pub is 18 and over for the duration of the world cup" the man on the door said

"oh I am 18" I smiled passing him my fake ID

"okay sorry, you can go on through" he apologised passing back the card

"hey Libby!" I heard James call from the bar

"hey, sorry I'm a bit late" I said as I walked over to him

"that's alright, the lads have got us a table in the garden, I'm just grabbing a round now" he said

"okay I'll help you" I offered

"can we get 5 pints" he ordered "and Libs what do you want?" he asked me

"just a gin and tonic please" I said

"do you want some food as well, we were gonna get some fries" he suggested

"yeah sure I'll just get some chicken bites" I told him

"okay we'll bring the food out to you, but here are the drinks" the bartender said passing us the tray "have a nice day gorgeous" he smirked to me causing me to roll my eyes to James when we walked away

"I guess that happens a lot" James chuckled

"not really, the only time it gets bad is when I go on holiday and you get the weird old men shouting at you like, you look stunning darling would you like to marry my son" I giggled

"wait they seriously say that?" he asked amused

"yeah one of them in Greece offered my Grandad two goats for me to marry him" I laughed

"no way that's too funny" he laughed as we got to the table

"what's too funny?" one of the boys asked

"someone wanted to buy her for two goats" James explained briefly

"what?" they laughed

"don't worry it's not that important" I smiled "I'm Libby by the way"

"trust me we know, he ain't stopped talking about you since we got here" one of them teased

"shut up" James laughed blushing slightly "okay so this is Ben, Demari, Jack and Harry"

"I have a bone to pick with you missy" Ben said

"oh god what've I done now" I sighed sarcastically

"I was meant to be going to the gym with Madders over here this morning, but he text me at 4 saying he won't be able to make it because he won't be awake" he told me

"shit sorry! but to be fair, sleeping is much better than working out" I pointed out

"finally someone who isn't obsessed with working out!" Harry exclaimed giving me a high five

"yes mate slabhead's playing!" Demari exclaimed

"who's slabhead?" I asked confused

"Maguire" Demari answered

"you know him?" I asked shocked

"yeah we play with him" Ben told me

"madness" I giggled "so you all play football together?"

"we all do but Jack plays for Villa, and Hazza ain't a balla" Ben teased

"are you guys good then?" I asked

"you don't know much about football do you" Demari chuckled

"I only started watching recently so I'm a bit lost to be honest" I laughed

"come on it's starting!" Jack shouted

"Kane hat-trick I'm calling it!" I exclaimed

"never gonna happen" James laughed

"wanna bet?" I smirked

"actually yeah I do, whoever loses pays for our date" he smiled

"our date? I didn't know that was happening" I giggled

"well it is, and you're gonna have to end up paying" he chuckled

"trust me, I'm not" I winked

"yes Stones!"

"that's a pen!"

"fucking hell what a goal!"

"Stones again! Ain't he meant to be a defender!"

"another pen thank you!"

"wheyyyy! hat-trick!" I screamed

"how the fuck did you guess that" Demari laughed

"I guess you're paying for our date then" I giggled to James

"well I would've anyway" he chuckled kissing me on the cheek

"do you guys wanna watch the Belgium match here as well?" Ben suggested

"mate aren't you in Dubai?" Demari asked him

"oh shit I forgot about that, dammit Joanna ain't gonna wanna watch the game with me" he sighed

"oh my god I've always wanted to go to Dubai" I exclaimed

"wanna come with?" he joked

"I'll jump in your suitcase yeah" I joked back

"nah if you're gonna get into any suitcase it'd be Madders when he steals you and brings you back to Leicester" Harry laughed

"where even is Leicester?" I asked

"are you serious?" Jack asked shocked

"the only Leicester I know is Leicester Square and I'm a fashion student not a geography one" I giggled

"ooo a fashion student get you" Ben teased

"shut up I've got a shop as well" I chuckled

"wait seriously how old are you?" Jack asked

"I've got 1 year left of studies so I'll let you figure that out" I winked

"what time do you finish on a Thursday?" James asked me

"half 5 most of the time, why?" I asked him

"we're gonna watch the game together" he told me

"are we now?" I laughed

"yep, I'll pick you up from where did you say you it was again?" he asked

"it's by Tottenham Court Road tube station" I said

"great, I'll be there" he smiled

Love Lies ~ James MaddisonWhere stories live. Discover now