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"oh my god El look" Kendall squealed pointing towards James in the airport

"no way you're actually the cutest" I giggled giving him a hug

"I thought everyone did this?" he asked

"you didn't need to make a sign babe, I woulda recognised you" I laughed

"I was just making sure" he chuckled

"anyway this is Kendall my sister, Kenny this is James" I said introducing them

"nice to meet you" James said giving her a hug

"you too, so come on lets finally go home" she smiled

"yeah my cars just outside, what's your address?" he asked

"I'll put it in your satnav when we get in there" I told him

"I'll put it in your satnav when we get in there" I told him

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Liked by benchilwell and 2,785 others

elizabeth_lennon the perfect airport outfit✈️ @thelennonline

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madders probably the ugliest airport ever

- elizabeth_lennon quality comment

kendallxlennon a smile maybe?😋

- elizabeth_lennon not when we're leaving the sun🙁

chloehamer01 finally given up on the contacts then

- elizabeth_lennon only when I wanna be comfy😅

"you know what I'm wanting" I said as we were watching Netflix

"I have some ideas" James smirked

"behave!" I squealed

"guys come on I'm right here!" Kendall laughed

"sorry, but seriously I want pizza" I sighed

"oh my god yes can you order some?" Kendall asked

"you okay with that?" I asked James

"hey like I said, it's always gonna be a cheat day around you" he chuckled

"perfect, I need to go pee so can you order it on my phone, I have the app" I said throwing him my phone as I walked out the room

"Libs what's your password?" he called after me

"oh it's just her birthday" Kendall told him

"which is?" he asked

"03/10/00" Kendall replied

"wait what?" he questioned

"3rd October 2000" Kendall repeated

"Libby!" James shouted

"what?" I asked when I walked back in

"3rd October 2000" he said straight faced

"James I can explain" I frowned

"I don't want an explanation" he sighed as he started grabbing all his stuff

"please James wait" I begged

"no Libby, I actually can't look at you right now" he said before he stormed out our flat

"El" Kendall said after a couple of minutes of silence

"please don't" I said trying to hold back tears

"you lied to him" she whispered

"I did it for a good reason" I sobbed

"what did you expect would happen when he found out?" she questioned

"I don't know" I cried "I wasn't thinking about the future, I was just enjoying spending time with him"

"you can't just do that to somebody" she sighed

"you think I don't know that!" I screamed

"right I'm gonna give you some space" she said before she left the house as well


James please answer me

I can explain everything



just give me some time to think

"Amy" I cried down the phone

"I hear tears don't worry I'm coming now" she said

"thank you" I said before she hung up


"alright tell me everything" she sighed as we sat down on the sofa

"well you know I've been dating James, well I never told him I'm 17, he just assumed I was 18 and I never corrected him. But he found out I was 17 today when he was round and he just stormed out" I explained

"how old is he?" she asked

"21" I answered

"okay so this isn't horrific, and you are 18 in a couple months" she said

"exactly, so why's he so pissed about it?" I questioned

"Libby come on, you lied to him he has a right to be pissed at you" she frowned

"ugh I know!" I exclaimed "I tried calling and texting him and he told me to give him time, how much time should I give him though? Do you think he'll wanna talk about it?"

"I dunno babe, so he's gone back to Leicester?" she asked

"I'm not sure, I assume so" I sighed

"well he's asked for time so why don't you just give it a couple of days and if nothing's happened still then do something about it" she suggested

"okay, now can we actually get this pizza I've been wanting" I chuckled

"yeah I think you need it" she laughed

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