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"Libby this better be important" Ben sighed when he picked up the phone

"Ben please you need to help me, I'm in Leicester" I told him

"what?" he questioned

"I know it's stupid but I haven't spoken to James in a week and I need to explain everything" I explained

"yeah what happened? All we know is that he came home early and has been moody ever since" he asked

"basically I fucked up and I really need to speak to him, I know you have a match at the King Power this afternoon so I had to come" I said

"right well why don't I get you a ticket for the match and then I'll come find you afterwards and bring you into the tunnel" he suggested

"that would be perfect, thank you so much" I squealed

"no worries, I'm only doing this because I don't wanna see Madders moody but if I find out what you did is unforgivable I can't be this nice to you" he warned me

"don't worry I completely understand" I said before we said goodbye and hung up


"Libby!" Ben shouted

"hey thank you so much" I smiled giving him a hug

"no worries come on he's in a good mood" he chuckled

"thank God for that" I exhaled

"oi Ben where'd you-" James started to say as Ben walked back into the tunnel "Libby?" he questioned

"look James I really need to talk to you" I said

"I don't know if I can" he frowned

"please" I begged "just give me 2 minutes"

"lemme grab my stuff and then we can have a chat" he sighed

"I'll see you yeah" Ben said

"yeah bye" I replied

"you ready?" James asked when he returned

"yep, where we going?" I asked him

"there's a Starbucks just round the corner" he replied

"okay" I said "it was cool watching you play today"

"yeah, better than England?" he chuckled

"nah you know how much I like watching England play" I smiled

"well I thought I knew a lot of things about you" he frowned

"James" I said unimpressed

"it's true! How do I know you didn't lie to me about everything?" he questioned

"you don't which is why you need to listen to me" I told him

"alright go on then" he sighed as we sat down

"okay first of all I know this isn't an excuse but I never actually told you my age" I said

"oh what so that makes all the lies okay then? You used a fucking fake ID in front of me, of course I'm gonna think you're 18!" he exclaimed

"I know and I'm sorry for that! I'm so so sorry that I didn't tell you the truth, but it was too late we were already getting on so well that I didn't know what to do" I explained

"that doesn't make it any better" he said bluntly

"I just didn't want to lose what we had, I've never felt like this with someone before" I said trying to hold back tears

"don't start crying" he frowned

"I'm trying James, I just can't lose you" I said while the tears started to escape

"I don't want to lose you either, but you're 17 for God's sake" he said with a slight chuckle

"you said it yourself that I'm put together, and I'm 18 in less than 3 months" I told him

"but it's wrong, you're not an adult" he added

"it's not illegal though" I reassured him

"but what would the media say if they found out huh?" he questioned

"why do you think I wanted to make sure none of the people at my college found out, so that it wouldn't come out" I explained

"this is all just so crazy" he said putting his head in his hands

"I know, and you have no idea how sorry I am that I lied to you" I said to him "I just did it because I want to be with you James. I've come to Leicester twice, do you know that there's literally nothing to do in Leicester" I chuckled

"except see me" he smirked

"exactly!" I exclaimed

"I spoke to my mum about it all" he told me after a minute of neither of us speaking

"oh god does she hate me now?" I asked

"nah, in fact she told me that she likes you even more because you're only 17 and you're already running a business and not living with your parents" he laughed

"aw I love her" I giggled

"right, I don't wanna lose you but we both know it can't go on like it was before I found out while you're still 17" he sighed 

"well what do you wanna do then?" I questioned

"why don't we keep it really private until you turn 18" he suggested

"from everyone?" I asked

"well I don't think we'd be able to keep it from Ben and your sister and people proper close to us" he chuckled

"true, especially seen as Ben wants to know exactly what happened" I said

"oh god he's such a nightmare" he laughed

"no he's the best" I pouted

"so he's better than me then?" he asked pretending to be hurt

"nobody's better than you" I winked

Love Lies ~ James MaddisonWhere stories live. Discover now