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"your outfit's cute" Kendall said as she walked into the living room

"thanks I put on James's England jersey cos I wanted to support him and West Ham at the same time" I giggled

"well it worked, it was a draw right?" she asked

"thankfully, I don't wanna be going up to Leicester tomorrow to a grumpy team" I chuckled

"what so you don't wanna be surrounded by a load of competitive footballers who just lost?" she joked

"surprisingly not" I laughed

"oh my god was it a home match?" she asked concerned as she was looking at her phone

"yeah it was at Leicester why?" I asked confused

"there's been a helicopter crash there" she replied

"what" I gasped "shit shit shit"

"hey calm down I'm sure everything's fine" she reassured me "have you spoken to James yet"

"no I sent him a well done text but he hasn't replied to it yet" I panicked

"okay look read this article maybe it'll tell you anything more about what happened before you start blowing up his phone" she told me

"alright it looks like most of the team left the stadium before it happened" I sighed "I'm still gonna call him and see what's happening"

"you do that babe, I'll order some food is Nando's alright?" she asked

"yeah just the usual" I smiled

"Libs" I heard down the phone

"oh my god James thank god you're safe" I exclaimed

"yeah don't worry I'd already left before it happened" he said

"babe I'm so so sorry do you know what's happened?" I asked

"no not really Harry told Ben who told me so it's a bit unclear at the moment" he explained

"is there anything I can do?" I asked him

"I'm not sure, but please still come tomorrow I need to see you before I go away with the 21s" he replied

"of course I will babe, I could leave now if you want" I offered

"it's quite late though, I don't want you to if it's too much effort" he sighed

"I'll be there in like 3 hours" I told him

"Libs just wait til tomorrow" he objected

"I'm coming whether you like it or not, I know when you need me" I said

"alright drive safe" he said before we said goodbye and hung up

"Kenny!" I shouted

"yeah don't worry I heard your convo, I didn't order you anything" she said as she walked back into the living room

"thanks" I smiled "I'd better get going, but I'll see you Monday"

"yep, don't have too much fun" she winked

"I'm not sure we will with whats just happened, but we'll see" I replied


"hey babe" I said when James opened the door

"c'mere" he said pulling me into a massive hug

"you alright?" I asked him

"yeah I'm just worried" he sighed

"don't worry I understand, I bought ice cream if you want some" I told him

"but it's nearly 12" he chuckled

"it's not like we'll be getting much sleep anyways" I pointed out

"I didn't mean it like that!" I exclaimed when he raised his eyebrows at me

"I know, it just sounded like that" he laughed

"but seriously I got the ice cream at a service stop so its been melting for like an hour" I giggled

"you're such an idiot why wouldn't you get it from round the corner?" he asked amused

"because I don't know my way around Leicester, I'd be driving round aimlessly trying to find a shop" I explained

"well I'll have to show you around then" he said

"you've only lived here a couple months I don't trust you" I teased

"fine we'll get Ben to show us round" he agreed

"yeah then we can actually find some cute places to go on dates around here" I smiled

"what makes you think I'll be going on dates with you?" he asked

"dickhead" I pouted

"joking" he chuckled while leaning in for a kiss

"nope you're not getting a kiss after that" I giggled

"Libbyyyy" he whined

"fine" I smirked giving him a kiss

"why do you have such a big suitcase?" he asked as he went to carry it upstairs

"I had to bring some of our new releases for Camila and Becky" I explained

"clothes aren't that heavy babe" he laughed

"okay fine there might be a couple textbooks in there" I admitted

"Libs you are not doing work while you're here" he sighed

"I need to babe, you're probably gonna be busy at some point so I'll do it then" I told him

"as long as you don't ignore me to do some work" he agreed

"I can tell you I'd never be able to ignore you" I smiled

"because you love meeee" he sung

"slow down there I'm not even your girlfriend" I giggled

"well I think we can change that" he smirked

"and how will we do that" I raised my eyebrows

"Bethbert-" he said before I interrupted him

"don't you dare ask me if you're gonna call me Bethbert" I laughed

"okay okay" he chuckled "Libs will you be my girlfriend?"

"of course" I replied giving him a kiss

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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