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"oh my god James!" I squealed running into my kitchen

"what what's happened?" James asked confused

"look look look!" I shouted showing him the photo of Meghan in one of my dresses

"is that one of yours?" he asked

"yes!" I exclaimed

"no way congrats!" he smiled giving me a massive hug

"what's happened?" Jack asked

"Meghan Markle wore one of our designs yesterday, our site has basically crashed because so many people are on it" I explained

"that's great but shouldn't you be trying to fix the website?" Ben chuckled

"oh that's what Kenny's doing, I'm not the techy one" I giggled

"I'm seriously so proud of you" James said giving me a kiss

"well it's all thanks to you really, I wouldn't of met her if you didn't take me to the polo" I pointed out

"okay I'll take the credit for the success of your business" he joked

"shut up" I smiled "anyway when are you leaving?"

"trying to get rid of us?" Jack laughed

"no I never want you to leave, but my boyfriend is coming over in 10 minutes so you need to" I teased

"you little bitch" James gasped making all of us laugh

"just jokinggg" I sung kissing his cheek

"but seriously we're gonna head back north in an hour or two" he explained

"oh okay" I frowned

"hey don't worry about it I'll see you soon" he reassured me

"yeah but you don't even have a match in London until after my birthday" I sighed

"I don't need to have a match down here to come see you silly" he chuckled

"really?" I asked

"of course, I've got international duty next month down so I'll come see you after that, and I'll definitely come see you on your birthday" he said

"okay" I smiled

"now someones happy" Ben laughed

"shut up" I giggled "also why are we stood in the kitchen when there's no food in here?"

"oh we were waiting for you to start cooking us breakfast" Jack winked

"yeah me and Kenny can never be bothered to go food shopping so I'll just get us a deliveroo unless you wanna go grab some bits now" I told them

"nah that's alright we're good with a deliveroo" James said

"perfect just order what you want on my phone, I'd better go ask Kenny what she wants" I said passing James my phone

"same password yeah?" he asked

"yep" I replied as I walked out the room

"so you let Madders have the password to your phone and you're not even official?" Jack asked when I walked back in

"yeah I don't really care, everyone knows my password I don't really hide anything" I shrugged

"but you don't have to password to his phone" Ben raised his eyebrows

"stop trying to stir shit you idiot" I giggled "I don't need his password, trust is enough"

"how did you find someone like her?" Jack laughed

"ask myself the same thing" James smirked wrapping his arms around me and giving me a kiss on the forehead

"softie" I teased

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thelennonline OMG yes you're seeing this right, Meghan the Duchess of Sussex wore our 'Sophie' dress in Australia!

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elizabeth_lennon I met the Duchess at a polo event last month and told her about our shop, she said she'd have a look at it but I never thought she actually would buy something😆

kendallxlennon we are working on fixing the website at this moment so hang tight girls!

amesdawson proud of you girls😘

chloehamer01 absolutely killing the clothing game right now! Xx

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