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"why are you so cute in the mornings?" I mumbled as I opened my eyes to James standing in just his boxers

"when you look like me it's hard not to" he winked

"shut up" I chuckled throwing a pillow at him

"you sleep alright?" he asked getting back into bed

"definitely" I smiled

"just to warn you they've written reports" he told me showing me one of them

"shit!" I exclaimed

"hey don't worry about it it's okay, they don't know who you are" he reassured me

"yeah but what if someone I know tells them who I am" I panicked

"why does it matter?" he asked me

"I want you to know it's got nothing to do with you, I just don't want people treating me differently" I explained

"that's okay I totally understand, I can contact people at Leicester to see if they can do anything about getting the reports taken down if you want" he suggested

"you're literally the best!" I squealed

"in bed" he added making us both burst out laughing

"you're such an idiot" I laughed shaking my head at him

"you wouldn't like me if I wasn't" he smiled

"I also won't like you if I don't get some food" I giggled

"well get ready and we'll go grab some" he said

"I only have what I was wearing yesterday" I whined

"well wear something of mine, I already know you're gonna be stealing my hoodies" he chuckled

"okay I was thinking of room service but if you really want me wearing your clothes" I smirked

"come on then" he said picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom "I had a feeling you weren't gonna get up"

"you mister, were right about that one" I laughed


"have you ever been here?" James asked me as we walked towards The Breakfast Club

"no I'm usually in Central since I moved so I'm not around here much" I replied

"well I'm usually wherever I play so I'm not around here much either" he chuckled "stop!" he shouted

"what?" I asked him confused

"pose for me" he told me as he got out his phone

"what are you doing?" I questioned

"this is a sick photo, pose for me" he said again

"I'm literally in your shirt James it's not gonna look good" I giggled

"you sure about that" he smirked showing me the photos he took

"wait this shirt looks amazing! Okay I'm definitely adding something like this to our clothing line" I laughed

"I'm just such a good photographer and stylist" he joked

"hey the shirt looks good on me, I never said it looks good on you" I teased

"ouch" he gasped as he held his heart jokingly

"come on I'm laughing now but if I don't get some food I'm gonna get real hangry" I chuckled walking into the cafe

"oh my god it all looks so good" he sighed as we looked at the menu

"why you mad about that?" I asked him

"because I'm meant to be healthy you know, I can't be eating like this all the time" he explained

"have a cheat day then" I smiled

"I have a feeling whenever I'm with you I'm gonna have to have a cheat day" he laughed

"either that or you're gonna have to watch me eat all the food in the world while you just eat a sad little salad" I giggled

"cheat day it is" he smirked

"hey are you that Norwich footballer?" some guy asked James

"I'm a footballer yeah" he chuckled

"have you signed for spurs yet mate?" they asked

"I actually signed for Leicester a week ago" he told him

"ah man you're letting me down" he sighed

"sorry bro, it was nice meeting you though" he smiled

"yeah you too bro, hope you and the mrs have a nice meal" he said before he walked away

"does that happen a lot?" I asked James

"nah that's literally the first time anything like that's happened" he laughed

"so you were gonna sign for Tottenham?" I said

"yeah it was 50/50 in the end I thought I'd definitely play at Leicester whereas I wasn't sure if I'd be playing every match at spurs" he explained "although spurs would've been better for us I guess"

"so you think there's an us" I said raising my eyebrows

"I think we both think there's an us" he chuckled "it's just whether we can get it to work when I go to Leicester"

"yeah when are you going back?" I asked

"tomorrow, I've gotta be a preseason on the 1st" he answered

"oh shit, well I finish college on the 3rd but on go on holiday on the 9th" I told him

"no way I go away with the lads on the 9th as well" he smiled

"where you going?" I asked him

"France, it's the preseason holiday thing we do probably not as nice as where you're going" he chuckled

"me and Kenny are going Ibiza with a bunch of Kenny's friends" I replied

"so an ocean beach style holiday then" he smirked

"basically" I said rolling my eyes

"not your kinda thing?" he asked

"nah the girls always make me be the non-drinker because they're all older than me and if we don't have someone sober we'd probably all die" I explained

"okay so I won't have to wife you before you go so you don't get with a load of random guys" he winked

"yeah but wife-ing me wouldn't hurt" I giggled

"yeah but wife-ing me wouldn't hurt" I giggled

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Liked by benchilwell and 2,702 others

elizabeth_lennon when his shirt gives you inspo for a new @thelennonline collection🤭

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kendallxlennon let's get designing😏

user4363 yessss I need some new holiday pieces

madders think I should get a cut😉

- elizabeth_lennon I think you're just fine for money🤣

jadeypearson I call being the model!

- elizabeth_lennon when are you not the model?😂

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