Chapter 3

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Lunch, a time to hop-skotch from paragraph to paragraph of all of my favourite classical books, enjoying the wonderous journeys of plot lines and soulful words.

I grab my chicken salad out of my locker and walk towards the cafeteria, walking swiftly to get a seat. As I sit down, I get many strange looks in my direction and I'm not sure why.

A pretty girl with long, blonde, curly hair walks swiftly over to my table, she must want to sit with me!

"Excuse me!? This is, our.. table, you'll need to leave!" She said rudely as she tried to push me off of my seat.

"Can't we all sit here peacefully, I won't be very annoying, you'll bearly notice I'm here!" I say but they laugh, the head girl turns to face the rest of the girls behind her and laughs, looking back at me.

"No," she says.

I get up and walk away from the table and start towards a different table. Hopefully this one isn't taken. I sit and begin to eat my chicken salad, alone, but that's alright, it's only my first day and I don't expect to make friends on the first day.

Chewing and swallowing my food as I slowly recap on the last 5 chapters of my current book. (A/N yh sorry I couldnt think of any classic books to name soo)


I'm slightly startled from the sound of the bell going to head out to our next area.


I move under a tree and grab out my book, reading Chapter 14. Increasing my education level and skills. The fresh, cool breeze blows through my hair, making slight tangles in my once luscious hair. I continue to read my fascinating book. The sun, glowing warmly on my face.

I scrunch my face up in disgust as I smell an unpleasant smell. I look around and see a tall and tanned boy sitting next to me and holding the death/cancer stick.

A cigarette.

I screw my face up again and look at the boy. He nods towards the stick, putting it in front of me, I shake my head and push his hand away.

"You really are a study witch aren't you?" He says calmly.

"Excuse me! For your information, I try very hard to keep my straight A study records, so please stay out of my way so I can continue," I say, raising my voice a little.

He taps the stick over my book, I glare at him and the boy smiles, he grinds it onto my book damaging many frail pages, I glare at him again.

The boy grabs my hand and forces the cigarette into my hand, pushing it towards my face and trying to get me to take a drag of the deadly drug.

"Miss Davidsen, my office please," A man dressed nicely in a suit says.

I get up and collect my books before sending another glare towards the boy.. I never actually caught his name.

I follow the man who I assume is the principal into a room containing a chair behind a desk and one in front.

"Please, take a seat," he says, I nod and sit down.


So chapter for u all. what did u think?

sorry it was short and took so long but it's a chapter!

back soon little piglets.


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