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Thanks you for 300 reads! x

-Third Person POV-

Ritsu tiredly remained in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above him.


"Oh, Nii-san..."

"You seem, really sad lately. You've been spending most of your time in your room instead of downstairs, helping with chores...is everything alright?" Shigeo asked timidly, walking into the room.

"Oh, you know, testing season and everything. I'm just worried that I won't get a good grade or fail the test," Ritsu replied calmly, shaking his head.

Shigeo titled his head and squinted his eyes but softened quickly, nodding, "I understand, I'm stressed out too," He closed the door.

Ritsu breathed a sigh of relief and covered his head with the blanket. He was, confused, if anything. Though he wished he could find a way out of this, spiraling, tangled mess of love, hate and confusion. He was questioning himself, and his own identity, more than even when he awakened his psychic powers.

He finally dragged himself out of bed and stretched for a bit to reawaken his nearly paralyzed limbs, and opened his cabinet, dressing in the normal Salt Middle School uniform and slipping his student council armband on. It was unnecessary, but he's made the conclusion that it's just how people are, extra.

He took a glance at his alarm clock before taking his bag off the hook on the back of his door. Placing his earbuds on, he stepped out of his room and went donstairs, quickly finishing the glass of milk Shigeo had left for him and rinsing the cup.

Ritsu finally put his shoes on and opened the door where his older brother was waiting for him outside.

"Sorry for taking too long, feeling a little tired today." Ritsu said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

"It's okay, I understand,"

He continued walking ahead but couldn't help feeling a little guity. Shigeo was concerened for him, and Ritsu was usually always fine with telling his problems and secrets that even his parents don't know. Yet, this one, was too private for him to reveal. His situation with Shou, may be more hard to fix than he thought.

"N-N-Nii-san," He finally said, taking off his earbuds.

"What is it?" Shigeo said, turning over to him with a small warm smile.

It was enough to calm him down completely. "Promise you won't tell mom and dad?" Ritsu held out his pinky.

"Promise," Shigeo locked his pinky with his younger brother's, securing the request.

"You remember Suzuki, right?"

"I believe so, which one?"

"The son."

"Yeah, I remember him."

"Well, I don't know how to put this..."

"Hm?" Shigeo titled his head in confusion.

"I think, he considers me, more than a friend."

"Really? How do you know?"

"The way he smiles at me, the fact he blushes every time I make any sort of physical contact with him, and-"

"Ritsu," The older male placed a hand on his shoulder, "Pause, and just ask yourself, do you feel the same way?"

They were about a block away from school when Ritsu stopped in his tracks and gave Shigeo terrifyingly confused look.

Okay, maybe this wasn't the best question to ask... Shigeo thought.

Ritsu stayed still for about few seconds, which was just about enough time he needed to think of a rational response before continuing to walk the final stretch of ground

"I don't know. I do, but, I feel mom and dad will never approve of a gay son. I've overheard them on the phone with friends discussing about 'He'll find a great girl to marry in the future,' this that."

"I feel like you should tell him, or you can wait until he musters enough courage to tell you."
Ritsu ran his fingers through his hair, straightening it back out after forgetting to brush it before he left the house, "I, suppose that's a good idea."

The two past the gates and into the school building where they went their separate ways, Ritsu going to his section, turning his music up higher in hopes of drowning out all his thoughts.

"KAGEYAMA-KUN!!" A female voice practically screamed, snapping her fingers in front of him in a frantic manner before his earbuds were violently ripped out of his right ear.

"What?" Ritsu quipped, looking up. And in front of him stood the leader of the 'Telepathy Research' club, Kurata Tome.

"Jeez!! I thought you were hallucinating!!" She complained, placing a hand on her hip.

"Ehem," Ritsu cleared his throat. "Can I help you?"

"Anyways, I was here to tell you about the lack of medicine balls here. The Body Improvement Club dudes wanted to use them during their wall sit practices."

"I'm not too sure what I can do about that. I think it'd be better if you contacted the treasurer."

"Wait a minute- I know that face, what's the problem?"

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I don't know, just curious." She shrugged, smiling.

Ritsu squinted his brows, giving her an annoyed look., "I don't want to talk about it, it's something personal..."

"Well then, if it's personal, your brother will know." She sassily replied, rolling her eyes and walking off, a bit mad that she had wasted her time on him.

Ritsu ignored her and continued walking to class, shoving his phone inside his pocket before entering the room. It was one of the first times he had avoided his student council duties. It was his job to report any requests from the students to a specific member of the council, but, he supposed slacking off today wouldn't hurt, after all, he was dealing with his own problems and didn't need any more weights on his shoulders.

Tomorrow afternoon, his 'date' with Shou will finally happen, and he figured, maybe that'll be time to tell him. He smiled at the thought of seeing his crush's cheeky grin.

After finishing his class assignments, he headed out of the classroom for some fresh air. It was lunchtime, and he wasn't hungry nor craving anything. He sat on the bench outside, reading and waiting for the time to pass by. He was rushing himself already.

Shigeo had taught him psychic powers should only be used for good reasons, and that you were still equal to everyone even with a special gift.

"Psychic powers are like knives. And what don't you do with it? Point them at people." He repeated quietly.

Reigen taught Shigeo that. He was a con artist, that though Ritsu doesn't respect, he had to give him kudos for the lessons he had taught his younger brother.

Time continued to fly. He will be there soon, in front of the one he always wanted to be with and give him the warmest hug he could've imagined.

Just you wait, Shou, he smiled.


Hi everyone! I'd like to thank everyone for 300 reads! When I was first making this, I didn't expect it to get this much attention, but it did! To most, it might not seem like many, but to me, that's more than I could imagine. Once again, a huge thanks to all my readers.

I hopefully will be starting on my Spiderson/Irondad oneshots very soon, if time is on my side when school starts again, which, it hopefully will.

Thank you so much, and have an absolutely awesome day.


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