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Hello, everyone.

I can't express how happy I am. The story has officially concluded, and I'm very thankful for everybody who has stayed by until the end. While the story certainly didn't turn out the best, I am happy with the final result and I hope you are as well.

When I first started writing the story, I was unsure of how much dedication I wanted to put into this, and how I wanted the story to play out. However, as time passed on, I continued to plan each new chapter more, and despite the fact they never come out exactly the way I want, that's alright. I know how much I can learn from this. 

However, what I didn't expect was how much this story blew up. I always see quite a large amount of Ritshou on AO3, but never on Wattpad, and since I figured not many people use both sites at the same time, I wanted to provide an experience for those here, as well, and while they can't match the quality of the ones there, I wanted to try to add to the supply of this ship on Wattpad.

About other stories, I'm not too sure, I will eventually start writing new stories, however, summer school is kicking my ass and I'll have to finish it before I start anything new.

 Again, I want to thank everybody who stuck around, it has been a blast writing this story.

I am currently going to try to seek motivation in new games or series in order to find ships I think are worth writing about, or if I give up, I might as well just make a big book of one-shots of ships I like but don't have enough motivation to write an entire story about. 

For the hundredth time, thank you so much for sticking by! I hope you have a great day.


Stay on your feet, Suzuki. (Mob Psycho 100 // Ritshou)Where stories live. Discover now