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- Shou's POV -

I sat down. The glass wall almost seemed like a portal to another world, where my Dad was being kept, maybe even Mom was there, too. I shook my head to get rid of the useless thought.

I took a deep breath, and sighed, picking up the phone.

"Shou." He addressed as soon as he picked up his phone.


"How are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I quickly said.

"Son, I'm sorry for-"

"Dad, I get it. Whatever, I forgive you."

He remained silent. I really wish I didn't say that so soon, but of course, I did.

"Shou, sorry just, won't cut it for me, how can I repay you."

I looked up at him, "....You couldn't manage to say that 3 years ago?"


"You caused me so many problems. And pains."


"Why couldn't you realize you were a maniac sooner..? My friends got hurt, I got hurt..."

"Shou, I.."

"Mom, she left us because of you. She knows you are an ignorant psychopath. I can't even look you straight in the face when I call you my dad."

And...I knew I fucked up right there. Because, "DAD" stared at me with a blank expression, he looked liked he was just about to cry.

"I'm sorry, Shou. I wished I could've controlled myself. I can't believe I acted this way for my own son to doubt me as their father..."

"I can't even tell if you're sincerely sorry for me anymore."

He'd wipe his eyes. "I promise I am. When I, if I, do get out of prison, I'll promise to give you the best life I am capable of, a do-over, to, hopefully, pay for everything I've done."

"...How will I know you'll keep your promise?"

"I will, Shou. You are my son, and that, I...really care about. I never managed to make out time for you, but now, I have more time than I need, and, I wanted to give it all to you."

Don't cry, Shou, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...

So I obviously began crying.

He looked an awful lot surprised by the fact I was crying since he probably doesn't see me watching TV at 12 am in the morning, but regardless, he smiled.

"It's okay, Shou. I'm right here."

"Dad.." I said through tears.

"Shh, it's okay."

And a fucking security guard busted in the room, not even caring that we're trying to have a moment here, "Mr. Suzuki, it's time for you to leave," He stared at his watch.

I wiped my eyes as fast as possible and stood up, "Right, right..," I stared back at Dad.

He gave me a smile and nodded.

So I left. A little bit happier than when I arrived. Maybe this time I actually would forgive him. For all the trouble he's caused me, my mom, my friends...and him,..Ritsu.

And that reminded me that I have a fucking date. With him. I'm not ready for this. I'd probably require way too much confidence to show up properly. I need help, fast. But I barely know anyone else but hi- Oh, right...he has a brother. Shigeo, or whatever.

Instead of going home, I circled around to Ritsu's house. This is a bad idea, and I'm gonna regret this, but I'm way too lazy to stop now. I walked on foot, last time some stupid officer stopped me because I was "a public disturbance" when I tried to fly back home from the park. Idiot.

I was about to knock when I totally forgot someone else might open the door. Am I overthinking this- I just don't want to make a fool of myself. I knocked on the door and quickly ducked behind the corner, waiting 'patiently' for someone to open the door.

It's been 5 minutes. The door hasn't even fucking swung open. You've got to be kidding me.

I walked back to the door and knocked again, and just stood in front of the door. I don't give two shits about who opened it at this point. And, as expected, no answer. I let out an audible groan as I walked back home. They're probably at school.

I went over to the town, seeing if I might catch him anywhere. If I don't find him here, I'll just have to wing the date without any help, which is a God-forbid idea.

I walked past the food stalls, of course, not before getting something to eat. And the stores, and I paid extra-close attention to the people passing. Still no sign of him. I literally give up.

And then, like the world decided to stop playing games with me, I saw him, that damn haircut is the easiest way to get recognized. He was walking with some blonde-haired guy.

This idiot better help me nail this date. Or else,...my only chances of being with Ritsu are going to be crushed. And that is the last thing I want.

Stay on your feet, Suzuki. (Mob Psycho 100 // Ritshou)Where stories live. Discover now