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- Third Person POV -


Shigeo turned his head. He heard a call seemingly addressed at him. The boy scanned the area, looking for the source of the voice, before finally locking eyes with a familiar face standing in front of a takoyaki stall. Teruki, who had silently noticed that his friend appeared to be distracted by something, turned toward the orange-haired boy in the leather varsity sports jacket that Shigeo was staring at, curious.

"Oh, it's just you." Shigeo said, when he would've went with a more friendly greeting, "Did...you call for me?"

"Who else in this place?!" He cried out, staring at the blonde male standing next to Shigeo, now managing to get a clear look at his face.

Teruki was clearly not fond of the younger boy interrupting his time with Shigeo, and it was shown explicitly on his face. Shou rolled his eyes in response to the reaction, turning his attention back to what he came for.

"Look, I,...need some help. And urgently, too," He began, "I'm...gonna be, uh...hanging out with Ritsu tomorrow afternoon, and I seriously need some help getting some shit done..."

"Huh? But you have the rest of tonight and a good chunk of tomorrow. That's plenty of time."

"I know, and I need you to help me put that time to use, he can come too, if you want! I just, need help, okay?"

The older boys exchanged looks and a small nod. Shigeo took out his flip-phone and contacted someone who appeared to be his mother, who he spent a couple minutes talking to before putting the phone away back into his schoolbag.

"Yeah, my mom let me come home a little later today. We'll help you."

Shou threw his fist in the air in celebration, "Awesome! Where do we go, then?!"

Teruki gave an unenthusiastic sigh before rubbing his forehead. "We can head over to my place. My parents aren't home, we should be fine," He was clearly not on board with the whole plan, but he decided he had no choice, regardless, after all, Shigeo was with him, and there wasn't a lot that could go wrong with that. He checked his watch before beginning to lead the other two back to his house.

His house was not very far, the most effort was having to switch trains at a specific station, but other than that, Teruki's house was placed at an extremely convenient area. After the three of them entered the house and into the blonde's bedroom, Shou began talking about his current situation. Shigeo, of course, was aware of everything, but didn't want to be rude and cut off Shou, especially when he was talking about a subject he clearly cared a lot about, like this one.  Teruki, however, was pretty surprised. He didn't expect the two of them to be that close.

"So, you're saying, you have a 'crush' on Ritsu, and you want to make a good impression so that you can confess to him?"

Shou nodded furiously, "Yeah, so what do I have to do?! Buy him flowers, wear a suit or some crap?!"

"I think wearing something nice wouldn't hurt," Shigeo gave his best contribution, "I,...shouldn't be the one you should ask when it comes to romance," He laughed, "You should ask Teru that, I'm sure he's an expert on that stuff."

"Well, now that you mention it, I do think that it wouldn't hurt to wear something nice, but you shouldn't go all out with a suit and flowers, or anything," He said.

"Okay, and do I need to like, act extra nice to him or something?"

"Being a gentleman never hurts." The blonde responded.

"Actually, uhm,...I think that you should just act like yourself. Sure, Teru has a point with the gentleman stuff, but if the persona is the one he's falling in love with, how long is your relationship going to last if he does accept the confession," Shigeo spoke up.

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