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- Ritsu's POV. -

Her words stunned me, but that's all they did. I didn't expect this, not even in the slightest bit. 

"Please, go find him, Ritsu. We know you left because of our call...it's just, you never asked me before, and I couldn't ever let you know ahead." 

I can hear raindrops against the window. The sky was going dark, painted with light hues of navy blue and purple.


I have to find him. I know he's still there. 

I jolt up from the bed, ready to head running out the door before my eyes stop at the bouquet of sunflowers Shou had gotten for me. I didn't know what compelled me, but I took out a single flower from the bunch. I don't know if he's going to still be there, it's raining, and I very well might get sick, but none of that mattered to me right now.

Because all that matters to me right now was finding him.


The rain didn't stop, my hair was wet as I hopped from train to train. My memory of exactly where that place was, but I couldn't stop running, I was so desperate to find him. I was desperate to see him smile again, to hear him laugh at every small detail, to see his face turn red every time I give him a compliment. But after I saw the look of devastation on his face, I know that...I couldn't let it stay. At least, not for long.

I can't stop thinking about him.

After forgetting about my surroundings, I tripped on a sudden ledge on the concrete road, falling onto the ground. With only a few scrapes on my knees, I stood up, continuing to run. My hair was drenched in rain and my clothes were soaked, but I sheltered the small sunflower from the pouring water above me, I need it to make it to him unharmed. 

I passed by a building, and stopped dead in my tracks, nearly tripping again. I stared.

This....it had to be it.

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, my legs ready to give in at any moment, the sunflower shielded under my jacket. My god, I never remembered these stairs being that long. 

And finally...I made it. Onto the roof. The sun had set, and the rain was still pouring, the storm had calmed down much more now.

He was right there. I extended a shivering hand out and muttered his name.

Shou turned around. A despairful look clouded his face. 


"Shou-- I'm...I'm sorry for running off."

"Sorry? Was...that all it was to you?" His face was pretty blank...but I knew he was about to cry.

"I...listen, I know that-- I messed up, I think that's clear between us, and I-- really just...want to apologize, it was so much more than a mistake for me, Shou, I..." Frantically trying to explain, I felt tears coming again. 


"I can't explain it properly, but I need you to listen to me, Shou!" I held out the sunflower, his face seemed to just barely light up.

"Y-you still have that damn thing?!"

"Of course, do you understand now?! I was just so overwhelmed and I didn't know what to do and...my first instinct was just to run away!" I was already crying, the rain being able to mask away most of them, though I could tell Shou still saw them.

He held his hand out, though he was hesitant to take the flower. I felt the distance between us grow by miles despite being right in front of each other. 


Only his silence responded.

I knew I couldn't just stand here like this, the rain was spilling even worse than before. I knew he wasn't going to say anything if I don't make a move. I stared into his eyes, and he did the same. He wanted to say something too, his face told me, but, just like me, he didn't know what to say. No words would come out right at the moment with how the mood was treating us.

So I did the only thing I knew.

I grabbed his shoulders, taking a step forward before planting my lips on his. 

Quickly, I pulled back, Shou stared at me with a stunned expression, his eyes were wide, and the darkness wasn't enough to hide his red face.


"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I still held the sunflower in my hand, now shivering from how cold the air was.


He swiped the sunflower from my hand, pulling me in simultaneously. He kissed me. Again. He didn't pull away, either. I buried my hand in his ginger hair. It was hard for me to believe this was happening. 

I was. With a boy.

I realized at the moment, how much that didn't matter. Because I knew I loved him. 

We finally stopped, he stared at me with his signature shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

"I hate you for making the first move." He smiled, shaking his head,

"I know," I replied, burying my head in his new jacket, the smell of new clothes was still strong. Even though we were soaked, cold, and shivering, I still felt so happy that he was with me. 

He held the sunflower in his hand, grabbing my hand with the other, "C'mon, Ritsu, how about I walk you home this time."

"Sure, I guess."

"C'mon, be a little bit more enthusiastic~!"

"Of course, I would be delighted, Suzuki-san," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but smile, too. His mood had switched so fast, and honestly, I couldn't lie that it made mine change, as well. As much as I hated his stupid smile, it was infectious. It was raining, and at this point, that was the least of my concerns, I walked with him in the rain, enjoying the emptiness of the streets. 

I see my house approaching ahead, stopping in my tracks. Shou stopped as well, raising a brow as he stared at me, as if he was expecting something.

"Oh." I let go of his hand, forgetting I was even holding it on the entire trip back. It felt so natural to me, and I didn't find anything that made me want to let go. He looked like he was trying to hold back breaking into laughter. My face warmed up, rolling my eyes again.

"Goodnight, Shou."

"Night, Ritsu!"

"Oh, and, please don't go around calling me your 'boyfriend,' at least we should keep it more...reserved."

"Whatever you say~!" He flashed me another grin.

I made my way towards the door, opening it, Shigeo seemed to still be at his desk, studying away at a much smaller pile of papers now. He looked up as soon as he saw me, a smile of relief appearing on his face.

"So, how did it go?" He asked curiously, perking up an eyebrow.

"It was alright."

Stay on your feet, Suzuki. (Mob Psycho 100 // Ritshou)Where stories live. Discover now