Unfolding Mysteries And The Myth Of Trees

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“So what is that thing?” Athena asked Urikynn as they continued walking through the labyrinth.

            Urikynn studied the ball of treasure in his hands. Then she turned to her.

“Can you keep a secret?” he asked even though he already knows the answer.

“Urikynn you know I could.”

            He nodded and heaved a very long sigh.

“I’m opposing my father’s plans Athena. I don’t approve of the migrating to Mars stuffs. For me, and I know it’s true, this plan of his could bring death to thousands of the stationers,” he said.

“How can you say that?” Athena asked incredulously.

“I have my research Athena. I’ve been to the past. I’ve traveled time. I didn’t just go with my teacher to that dinosaur era to study the creatures. I also study their source of food.”

“What?” she asked. “Meat of their fellow dinosaurs?”

“No Athena. Trees,” he answered.

            Athena stopped. She remembered that that was what those people from the past called the tall brown and green buildings.


“Yes. They were part of the nature hundreds of years ago. They produced oxygen that we, humans and animals, breathe. They balanced the cycle. They give us oxygen while we give them carbon dioxide. We are mutual, we depend on each other,” he explained.

“So you mean there’s no Oxygenarators before? And that these trees are their source of air?”

            Urikynn nodded.

            Oxygenarators are large machines that collects and traps every air in the world; dirty or not (especially carbon dioxide). Then it add chemicals and substances to the air to make it clean and to transform it into Oxygen. It is found in one of the sections of the ministry. There were 24 large tubes attached to it that connects to the SiteHouse of each stations through the underground tunnels. From the SiteHouse, smaller tubes were attached to the smaller oxygenarator and is connected to every house in the station. That is why there are small holes at the living room of each house. It’s where the air they breathe comes from.

            There’s also holes in their roof where carbon dioxide were sipped by an invisible force field tunnel that connects back to the SiteHouse. And from the SiteHouse to the Ministry.

            That is how they got equal air to breathe.

“What happens to them? I mean… the trees,” Athena asked eagerly. This was all new to her and surprisingly, it’s so hard not to believe Urikynn’s story since she saw the trees herself.

“Humans abused them. They were once spirited living things. But due to the human’s lack of care and abusing manner, their spirits simply withdrew from earth. Humans used them to build houses and different things. They cut them down illegally for their own intentions and they didn’t bother to replace them. Eventually, there were no trees left here on Earth. Especially with the new man-made Earth crust which is now the fifth layer,” Urikynn replied.

            Athena understands that. Urikynn already told her about the alloy that is now covering the Earth’s original crust. She slowly gets everything now. But it was still too hard to believe.

“So you think the Earth is not really dying?” she inquired.

            Urikynn glanced at her as they walk.

“I don’t just think Athena. I know. That’s why I told my father that migrating is such a waste of effort and money. Instead of migrating, we can just salvage our own planet. Besides, there is no total guarantee that Mars can even support us.”

“And did the Prime Minister believed you?”

“Not even a chance. He was very certain that this could work. The plan is not even his own to begin with! It was merely suggested by one of the members of the Aristocratic Council. And he instantly grabbed it! I was shocked to hear that he started the operation right after the suggestion!” Urikynn said,

            Athena was quiet after that. She was thinking about things. She knew to herself that Urikynn was right. Not because she fancy him but because she saw how the earth was destroyed long ago. And it’s because of the arrogance of man. She remembered her first vision. Where there were still no storms and the world was still very happy. Where trees are abundant and people are living in harmony.

            She realized she would want that life.

“Is that the only secret you wanted me to keep?” she asked him.

“No. there’s more than that. I wanted you to know that I didn’t just do the research by my own. I have clues. It seems like there were others like me before who also believes in restoring the life of Earth. They leave clues and I happen to figure them out,” he paused.

“There was a myth. A myth about the last seeding tree on Earth. The myth says that long, long, ago… An oracle had predicted the end of mankind. The Armageddon. The old oracle said that the dying of the trees is going to be the start of it all. Apparently, in that time, a very powerful ‘Witch’ was known. Witches and wizards were known because of their power to control the nature. They are considered the nature’s guardians. The witch drew all her powers to channel the different seasons. With that, she made the enchanting last seeds of a tree. It was said that the witch created the hiding place of the seeds – the place of nothingness. They said that the mysterious place will only show up to the most rightful man who’s heart truly desires and believes the existence of that place. And with all her remaining powers, she cast a protection spell to encase the said tree seeds so that it will live even after a thousand or millions of years. She covered it in ice.”

            Athena followed Urikynn’s gaze which is the ice treasure. Understanding sinks in and she widened her eyes as she realized it.

“You mean… ice… it’s true? The myth is true?”

“Yes, Athena. And we now have it in our hands. As I said, I had clues to follow and it leads in this old large empty place. Once I knew that, I instantly consulted my father to build the labyrinth in this area. I even helped build the labyrinth in excuse to actually find the tree seeds. But I failed before and I thought it’s not the right place. I don’t actually foresee that I’m going back here at the labyrinth for a much different reason.”

“But… that’s ice. Wouldn’t the seeds die in cold?”

            Urikynn shook his head. “It’s not just ice Athena. It’s made with magic. And as you can see. It’s frost. Frost doesn’t affect anything it covers. Instead, it protects them. It’s what frost are. They’re covering its subject to protect it from harm. And no matter how long a living thing stays under a frost, it’ll never die,” he explained.

“I’m with you on this,” Athena suddenly said.

            Urikynn looked at her in puzzlement.

“I’ll help you in your quest. We’ll stop your father’s plan and we’ll convince him to help us instead,” she said.

            And the moment she said that, Urikynn realized his true feelings towards her. He desires her

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