Chapter 2 - Questions

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(So I need to explain who's who. Rootbeer is the girl cup. Dawn's the demon with the Halo next to Adam. Then Tristan is the tallest one.)

Dawn's pov

{Meanwhile in the science room......}

Adam was asking many questions that was odd and werid?
Adam:Do you know how long a pencil would have to be to stick it in someone's brain?
Dawn:Um no I dont.
I gave this akward smile and
I kinda backed away slowly shrugging. I looked behind me and saw a desk. I then decided ill lean against it.
Adam:Soooooo have you noticed any weird sounds?
Adam questioned me. To me that was a odd question to ask someone in a science room.
Dawn: Like?
Adam: Just weird sounds
Dawn: The only weird sounds here is the janitor closet. And I don't think I really wanna know what's in there.
I made a weird face looking squinting my eyes looking down the hall of where the janitors closet was. I Then looked back at Adam. Who was playing or doing something with random stuff in the science room.

                     Time Skip!

3rd persons pov

As Dawn and Adam was going to meet back up with Tristan and Rootbeer.
There was this werid sound coming for the walls. Or was it the floor. Dawn and Adam stopped in the middle of the hallway.
Dawn: La fuk.
Adam didn't say anything. Just looking.
As they stopped waiting for something else to happen. Dawn and Adam looked at each other in confusion. Or at least Dawn did.
Dawn: the hell was that?!
Adam kinda smriked .
Adam: Something that I'm looking for.
Adam started walking again. And dawn waited for a moment and caught up with him.
Adam: Nevermind, just let's find the others.
Dawn shrugged and went to find the others people's.
Finally Rootbeer and Tristan was at the corner. Adam ran up to them as Dawn just walked.
Dawn:I don't run.
Dawn said as she proceeded to walk even slower then before. She took the broken Halo off her head and began to play with it before putting it back. As it just floats on her head.
Rootbeer:Did you guys hear that?
Dawn:The loud rumbling? yeah.
Dawn yelled quietly down the hall. As she finally got to RootBeer.
Dawn and rootbeer looked down the hall to where it was the most loud.

Dawn's pov

Me and rootbeer was looking down where the noises had came from.
Dawn:I'mma go see.
Rootbeer:What?! No! We stay here.
Dawn:And do what? Wait?
Rootbeer: Basically, Ya!
Dawn:Ugh. Wait for what?
Rootbeer:For the noises to stop-
Right when RootBeer was done talking. The noises had stopped.
Dawn:There we go.
I looked to RootBeer and smriked.
Dawn:see? It stopped. Let's go look now.
RootBeer shrugged and went on with me. While Adam and Tristan was still behind us talking.
I turned back
Dawn: y'all comeing?
It looked like they snapped out of some weird trance or something when they heard my voice.
Adam:uh yeah.
They both started to speed up with us and we got back to the place where the noises where comeing from.
Dawn: Well. I don't know where the noises came from. But it had to come from somewhere. But the noise was comeing from every where. In the walls, the ground, the roof. And all the two years I been here. Why did the nosies just started when Adam and Tristan came?

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