Chapter 14 Tristan Part 2

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A note from the authors:
Both of us apologize, school is getting in the way so we don't have much time for writing, just know that we are trying to get chapters out.
This chapter brought to you by the second author

Tristan's pov

I woke up in a dark room, dimly lit with a blue light, my whole body was numb,my mind was spinning.
I could see my own breath, the air around me was freezing cold.
I sat up and looked at myself up and down,the blue light,wasn't coming from any source, it was coming off of ...
My body felt light, I stood up and continued examining my glowing body.

Tristan: Am I....dead?

My skin was see through, glowing blue with a light purple tint inside.
I heard a voice, not knowing where it was coming from
I heard it speak

Voice: Tristan, thou art alive, thou art still living ..

This is beyond creepy, I have to find a way out of here
I searched frantically for an exit, finding a dark wooden door in a dark corner, it was locked ....
I was freezing. So cold I thought my glass head would shatter.
I pushed at the door, trying my hardest not to lock up from the cold.
The door pushed open, I fell forward,on my face, and flipped over, I was looking up at a plain white ceiling, I sat up again, my body heat returned to me, my skin was it's normal pail pink again.

Tristan: What the hell is happening to me?!

I looked around to notice I was in an empty classroom, maps and globes and text books, geography.
I looked back to see the door was nowhere to be seen. looks like whatever monster is living in this school, is more mysterious than we had thought.
I don't have a clue what just happened to me, my mind was blank, the only thing I could think about was Adam, I wonder if he's okay, I hope nothing like this happened to him..

Adam's pov


At this point I've felt a sickening pain in my stomach all fucking morning!
God..I don't wanna go to classes today T^T
I feel like I swallowed a car!
I was stuck getting ready for school, I was so tired, I threw on my jeans and some random T shirt that was probably Tristan's, he wears nothing but stripes and Mickey mouse, ugh.
I have to find him...I got distracted and got myself hurt

Adam: fuck...Something seriously bad could have happened an I was too busy getting drunk and losing my virginity-

I hope he's alright, he's smart, hopefully he'll be fine.
It's been three days since I last saw him..
I was about to open the door to leave but it opened before I grabbed the knob, Tristan opened the door and we both stared at each other awkwardly for a minute. Then he hugged me?..
It hurt a little bit, the bruises and the marks Zach left still Stung...
But I hugged him back anyways.

Adam: What happened to you!? Where have you been!?

Tristan pov

Tristan: I could ask you the same thing. You look terrible, have you slept at all?-"
Adam: That's not what's important!
Tristan: I'm fine, I think, I don't know what happened really...I was just walking down the hall and then all of a sudden this dark figure came over me and grabbed me up..I just woke up and I was in a dark place, then I opened a door and I was back in the school-

Adam suddenly pulled me into the room by the collar of my shirt, he shut the door.

Adam: You don't think it was the monster do you?
Tristan: no telling, but I'm willing to bet
Adam: God..whatever happened to you there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you
Tristan: I would hope you explain to me. What in heavans name happened to you?-
Adam: oh god ..I don't even wanna explain ..
Tristan: I feel like a demon just drank my insides out of my straw. You can tell me.
Adam: come on dude- I got drunk then I got raped and I feel sick as fuck okay-
Tristan: ...
Adam: ....
Tristan: who did this to you..?
Adam: this new guy I met...Zack or something like that...
Tristan: You should..really lie down..
Adam: I have classes..I can't just go back to bed ..
Tristan: look. Take a break. You get melty when you're under stress. You got seriously messed up buddy..
Adam: and you got kidnapped big fucking deal!
Tristan:.... can't you just listen to me just this once.
I feel fine. I'm scared and I'm confused yes. But I'm not in pain or sick with the ink illness Adam. Im lucky to be here at all to tell you that you need to give yourself a break. We both do.
Adam:..fine............I missed you..
Tristan: ...I missed you too..

I held my arms open for him. I could tell that's what he wanted. He hugged me, and I wrapped my arms around him just holding him. I couldn't help but blush. He actually admitted that he missed me..heheh..
But getting close like that would make him mad just like last time..and he just went through such a traumatic experience...he was raped for Christ sake..
I wanted to just kiss him and tell him it was gonna be okay, we both were scared, he was raped and I was probably probed or something- for all I know I could have been a test subject for some deadly potion or something.
I can't help it..I love him..but he just doesn't love me..he's made that very clear..

Adam's pov

.. I missed his hugs..he always gives the best hugs, so warm and inviting..but this was different..
He felt cold..his skin was like Ice..he felt ..dead..
I hope he really is okay..who knows what they did to him..
I still feel sick..when will this all stop..

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