chapter 9 No denying it

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Dawn's pov

I was thinking while waiting for Coffeens pain to go down.
I gave her some pain killers like that would help anything. Everyone was out of school so we where just hiding out in the bathroom stall in the back.
I thought about what would happen if I did like coffeen.
She wouldn't like me back anyways. I still believe she hates me no matter what I do. Even if she says it's fine. I know it's not fine. But I'll keep trying. No matter what. Wait no t-that sounds creepy. It would be weird if we dated. We where just fighting a couple days ago and now all of a sudden I like her. This is great. My mind is really okay.
I wanted to sleep. And so did coffeen but I wouldn't let her cause loseing blood and sleeping don't mix well.
I decided that I would wrap my arms with the extra bandages I had. Then I would put on my jacket . While I was wrapping my arms coffeen actually started to talk.
Coffee: are your arms okay?
Dawn:So you can talk again?
Coffee:Yes but your arms are they okay?
Dawn: why would you care? You legit have a stab wound in your side.
Coffee: because your arm is bleeding.
Dawn:it's fine, you should not be worrying about my arms. Worry about yourself you shouldn't care for me.
Holy fuck what was I staying. Coffeen actually cared about me.
Wait no She doesn't care.
I have a lot of doubt about stuff but it's fine.
I kept thinking about us dateing but I would be lying if I said I didn't like her not even a little bit.
After awhile I heard some people yelling to check if people was still in the building. I guess they made people go somewhere else or they made them stay in the dorm rooms. Our dorm rooms was not connected to the school bulidings itself. I didn't say anything when they called out for people. I pretended I didn't hear them cause I'm that kind of person. They made there way in the restrooms. They opened every stall till they got to the stall we where "Camping out" if you wanna say. Me and coffeen just looked at them. The cops then started talking to each other.
Cop 1: what's your name?
One of them pointed to me
Dawn: Dawn?
Cop 1: Well, Dawn get up. Tell me what happened to your friend here.
He pointed to coffeen. When I got up I put my around my waist Instead of putting it on.
Dawn:She was stabbed in the side.
I said as calmly I could. Though I was freaking out inside. Did he think I stabbed her? What are they ganna do with us?
Cop1: mkay. Well I'm ganna take her the ER and I'll do something about you later.
Dawn:Huh? Then do I stay here? Do I go with.
Cop2:You friends with her yes or no?
Dawn: uhhhhhhhhh y-yeah.
Cop2:Come with.
Ahh fuck being with police.
They took us into a ambulance when there was nobody around. Not one person.
I sat next to where coffeen was laying. This was awkward.
All I could do for the whole time they where driveing us to the ER was stare off into space or look at coffee. I couldn't tell if she was awake or not but she kinda looked dead. Wait no. She's not dead. Nope not a option.
I wonder how disc felt when he died. What was his last thoughts? Did he freak out? Or was it a calm death? Because I would have freaked the fuck out. I'm tooooo scared of death. Okay I'm done with that shit now.
I boop Coffeens nose to see if she was okay and if she was awake of asleep. And she was awake and fine. Though I didn't think the cops wanted me to do that. So I stopped.
When we arrived at the hospital. The cop told me to stay in the waiting room. So I did as they said. They then took coffeen somewhere where I couldn't go to. Great sitting in the waiting room Awkwarly  . With a lot of people I didn't know. After about what felt like 3 hours of waiting someone came out and called my name.
Nurse:Dawn heavens?
I jolted up. How the hell did they even know my last name too?
Nurse: Do you know someone names coffee uh Kreamer?
Dawn:Um y-yes ma'am.
Nurse: well follow me then.
I nodded as I followed her down a white hall. I haven't been in this kind of hospital before. After about let's say 5 minutes of walking in really awkward silents and me just following her we finally got to the room that coffeen was in. 
I was so happy to see that coffee was okay.
I slightly ran into the room and sat on the chair that was next to the bed.
Dawn:Youre alright!
Coffee:For the most part yes.
I smiled because I felt so happy. For some reason I felt really happy. She finally saw my happy side. Yay? My face felt like it turned pink but I didn't know. It was silent and I didn't know what to do next. Hug her? Just look at her?
I was so confused but it was alright.

(Reeee ships am I right?
Emo Tacos away)

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