Chapter 5

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It was the Sunday before Alexander would go back to classes and everything was peaceful and quiet… All except for his typing that echoed throughout his entire room; the door was closed so that Thomas could hear the tip tapping of his keyboard. He typed furiously on his computer as he sat at the desk in his room—he did not care about what his professors suggested he take a break from schoolwork all because he was in the hospital. As for Thomas, he sat on the small couch in the small living room of their dorm, an open book in hand: a project given to him along with the rest of his English class. Earlier that afternoon Thomas had suggested that Alexander should take a nap before he started class the next day, the immigrant “agreeing” that he should have some rest. But of course he did not keep his promise—as you can see he’s already typing out his fourth essay that day. So basically, throughout the entire morning, everything has been silent ever since then.

I just need to get some work done, that’s all, Alexander thought to himself while continuing to type away at his keyboard: the words on his screen flooded his senses, blocking out everything else around him; his sentences left him defenseless against the outside world; he built palaces and cathedrals out of the paragraphs he formed with each tap on his keyboard. Every few minutes he would re-read the essays he wrote, revising and editing here and there frequently.

He reached a hand over to take another drink from his coffee cup that was set off to the side; but to his dismay, it was empty as soon as he raised the cup to his lips. Shit, he thought to himself in disappointment and frowned, setting the unexpectedly-empty cup back down on his desk in its previous spot. Now how was he supposed to get more coffee without Thomas noticing he wasn’t resting like he was supposed to? That’s when a light bulb forms in Alexander’s mind.

He could just pretend that he woke up, and say that he needed a drink… The immigrant was then pulled out of his thoughts at someone clearing their throat, causing him to freeze and his muscles to slightly tense. Slowly he turned his gaze towards the person leaning against the doorframe with their arms crossed, a look of expectancy on their facial features. ‘Hey, Tommy,’ he slowly signed out with a sheepish smile.

“Don’t ‘Tommy’ me.” Rolling his eyes, Thomas pushed away from the doorframe and walked over, closing Alexander’s computer screen. And just before Alexander could even take the computer away from his boyfriend, Thomas already beat him to it as he then held the computer above his head. “Nuh uh, you don’t,” he shook his head, his gaze not leaving Alexander. “You’re grounded from your computer, missy.” He teased him with a slight smirk. Alexander’s jaw dropped, his mouth agape as he looked to Thomas with pure offense.

‘Excuse ME?! First of all, grounded?!’ His hands moved rapidly as he signed out his words, standing up and stamping a foot like a child would; he scowled at the tall Virginian. ‘I’m not a child, Thomas! I’m a grown man!’ His hands continued at the quick pace they were at, clearly he was in a fit of rage. ‘And lastly, MISSY?! I am not a girl!’ He then crossed his arms with a Hmph! and kept glaring at the taller male in exasperation with a frown, sticking his tongue out at him.

There was a pause until Thomas couldn’t help but to burst into a loud fit of laughter. Slowly he crumbled to the floor, nearly dropping the computer in the process. At this moment Alexander then took his chance to snatch his computer away, sticking his tongue out at Thomas once more. ‘Stop laughing!’ He signed after setting the computer down on his bed; he let out a soft and quiet whine.

“Y-Y-You… you just a-acted… l-like a ch-child… just now!” Thomas spoke through his laughter, laughing in between words and not being able to calm himself in that moment. “Plus, you kind of do act like a girl at times.” With a small pouty expression on his face Alexander sat down on his bed beside his computer with his arms crossed. It took a little while for Thomas to catch his breath, wheezing slightly as he still let out a few giggles here and there. He finally stood up from the floor, a hand on the wall to support himself, and then walked over to sit on the bed next to Alexander—he moved the computer back to its spot on the desk.

Thomas then wrapped his arms around the smaller man, pulling him into a hug, and nestled his face in the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry Lex, I just couldn’t help it, I’m sorry.” He mumbled against his neck with a small smile still playing at his lips. Alexander only huffed and turned his head away to hide the red tint on his cheeks. “Please? I’m sorry,” spoke Thomas once more, practically begging Alexander for his forgiveness. 

There were a few moments of silence before Alexander softly sighed in defeat and leaned into Thomas, wrapping his arms around the other in return. How can I say no to that face, thought Alexander as the corner of his lips turned up into a small smile; it wasn’t a question. And though the brunette did not answer, Thomas could already tell that he was forgiven as his smile grew wider.

The two continued to stay in each other’s embrace in comfortable silence; not one spoke a word to break their moment of peace and quiet. About a few minutes passed and Thomas could hear soft snoring; looking down at Alexander he noticed that he was the one snoring (obviously) and sound asleep. Thomas lightly chuckles to himself, kissing the top of Alexander’s head—he moved both of them so that they’d be lying down on the bed.

Poor guy’s tired, thought Thomas to himself, a soft smile on his lips for a few seconds longer before it disappeared as he fell into a deep and comfortable sleep.

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