Sneak Peak

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A/N: Hey, everyone!!!! Yes, I know what you’re probably wondering: sneak peek?!?!?! That’s right, everyone: I’m writing a SEQUEL!!!! After finishing this book (Silent Complications), I have always had an idea of what would happen next to Thomas and Alexander. But I’m not gonna spoil anything!! You’re just gonna have to Wait for It. UwU

Also, I am not in college, so I’m not too familiar with how it works, but I did my best. Nor do I know the distance between places in Manhattan, so I too did my best on that as well. And I’ve never been to a wedding before, nor do I know much about planning and such, soooo… ^^;

And so, I will now be giving you a sneak peek (which is basically the prolouge) of the next book, and it’s going to be a long one, so I hope you all like it! Enjoy reading this!


Family Complications

It was unbelievable. 

It had to be a dream. 

But it was happening. 

Today was going to be the best day of Alexander Hamilton’s life: he was going to marry Thomas Jefferson. The man grinned from ear to ear with pure ecstaticy as the three Schuyler sisters helped him to get ready for the wedding. (For Thomas it was the Squad that was helping him.) 

As both Thomas and Alexander plan for the theme of their wedding, they decide that it would be 1800’s style, and for the reception to be held at the New York Public Library in Midtown Manhattan - they wanted to make things as classical as possible. As for where they were to be wed? Well, they decided for it to be held at Riverside Park. (Luckily they were given permission to have their wedding there.) In addition,  they planned on being at the park for the wedding, then heading to the library for dinner, and then back to the park. (Alexander and Thomas felt a little bad that they would have everyone go between the two destinations a few times, so that is why they had everyone have until after sundown for the dance part.) The people that the two had chosen to invite were: the Schuyler family; the Revolutionary Squad; Washington and his wife Martha; Maria Reynolds and her daughter Susan (the little girl whom Alexander had saved from the fire); Thomas’s family (only his sisters Elizabeth, Lucy, Mary, Martha, Anna, Jane, and his brother Peter Thomas, as the rest of his family did not approve of the person he is today); Aaron Burr; and last, but certainly not least, James Madison. Yes; Alexander and Thomas invited James Madison. 

After everything that Madison had done in the past… it was all passed them; they forgave and befriended him. He suggested that he do something for them - he felt he needed to do something in order to apologize - , to make up for what he had done. He would not let it go, so that led the couple to allow him to help with the preparations for the wedding; not only that, he also paid for half of the expenses (as suggested by himself). 

It was about five months after being in the mental hospital that Madison was able to leave; and having nowhere to go, Burr invited him to stay over at his house until he was able to get back up on his two feet.

And as for the college, you ask? It took about a full year to be rebuilt, leaving the students to do online classes for the time being. Once the building was rebuilt graduations were done then; so those who had graduation earlier had to wait like the rest of the students. And as graduation came closer and closer by the day, Alexander and Thomas both thought it best to have their wedding after they graduated.

The three Schuylers and Alexander were all getting ready for the wedding, all dressing like they were in the 1800’s: Alexander wore a green tail coat with breeches that he wore over his stockings, along with a ruffled cravat around his neck; the girls wore the same type of dresses, but different colors (Peggy’s was as yellow as sunflowers; Eliza’s was as blue as the sky; and Angelica’s was as pink as cherry blossoms). As soon as they were all ready, Alexander was practically jumping as he walked with Angelica, Eliza and Peggy outside to the sisters’ family car. All climbing into the car and shutting the door behind them, they were off to Riverside Park in just a matter of moments. And though feeling very happy, it still didn’t stop Alexander from becoming extremely nervous. 

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