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A/N: Hey, guys!!! I have decided to give you all a Halloween special of this story and I hope you all like and enjoy it!! Note that it isn't part of the storyline, please. That is all I have to say, and I hope you all have a spooktacular Halloween!!!


It was Halloween as Alexander stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror. He leaned forward with his stomach pressed against the bathroom sink counter; he was attempting to put his face paint on, but was failing immensely at it. His tongue stuck slightly out of his mouth; his lips pursed as he is staying as concentrated as possible. 

This year would be the first Halloween he’d be spending with Thomas as boyfriends; this year they would both be dressing up as skeletons. Originally, Alexander suggested that they should dress up as people from back in the day: with Thomas as the first Secretary of State (Daveed Diggs), and he as the first Secretary of Treasury (Lin-Manuel Miranda). Defeated, Alexander agreed with Thomas that they be skeletons instead - I mean, come on: who doesn’t love skeletons? 

The only problem now, though, was that he was not able to do his face paint - as you now can probably imagine black face paint being smeared across his cheeks. 

The brunette growled lowly, cursing in his mind and scowling at his reflection in the bathroom mirror in front of him. With a small sigh he set down the small face-paint-pallet and decided that it was best if he left it the way it was. He then exited the bathroom, turning the light off and looking into the living room to find Thomas sitting on the couch, staring down at his phone in his hand. He had on his matching skeleton costume, his makeup already done perfectly - Alexander became somewhat jealous of how good it turned out to be. Alexander smirked to himself and mischievously rubbed his hands together before sneaking up behind the couch and crouching down on his knees - Thomas was not aware of what was going to happen.

Alexander thought about shouting out “Boo,” but then remembered about his neck as he lightly touched the bandages. He considered for a moment of whether or not he should attempt at shouting just one simple word. After a minute or two had passed he decided to do it anyway.

Standing up from behind the couch he lightly grabbed Thomas by the shoulders and yelled, “Boo!” His voice was raspy and rough as he yelled this, a shot of pain spiking up in his throat. He winced slightly and his hand lightly jerked away from Thomas’s shoulder and to his neck, but he did not touch it. 

Thomas yelped aloud in surprise, jumping out of his spot on the couch and ending up falling to the floor; his phone was flung across the room in the process. Frantically he looked around before craning his neck to look back at the one who scared him. “Holy shit, you scared me half to death!” whined he, a small giggle escaping from his lips even though Alexander had just made him fall off the couch. 

He stood from the floor and walked around the couch to stand beside his boyfriend. “Two things,” he started, holding up two fingers with a small chuckle. “One: your makeup is such a mess; two: are you okay? I did just hear you use your voice.” He spoke the last part in concern as he failed at trying not to frown.

The shorter of the two gave reassuring smile to the taller of the two and stood on his tip toes, pressing a light and soft kiss to his lips. ‘Yes, I’m fine, Tommy. It was only one word.’ He signed to assure his boyfriend. ‘And the only reason why my makeup is a mess, is because I’m terrible at putting makeup on.’ He rolled his eyes as he signed in addition.

Thomas softly sighed in a little bit of relief and he giggled before tapping the other on the nose. “You’re cute,” he said teasingly before taking Alexander’s hand in his and leading him back into the bathroom, switching the light on. As they walked - Thomas just basically skipped - into the bathroom Alexander’s cheeks turned pink at the teasing, a sheepish smile on his lips. “I’ll help you fix that face paint of yours.” He squeaked out in happiness: happy to help his boyfriend in doing his face paint.

He let go of his boyfriend’s hand and picked up the small palet, using his index finger to get some of the black before wiping it onto the other’s face. ‘Thank you,’ he signed as Thomas did his work on doing Alexander’s face paint. Thomas only smiled as his focus and attention was mainly on doing “his masterpiece.” 

As he did Alexander’s face paint, he would every now and then get a little bit of water and dab at a few spots on the boy’s face before getting more face paint on his finger. At some point he had him sit on the toilet seat, tilting his chin upwards. After some ten to fifteen minutes Thomas was finally done with doing Alexander’s face paint. 

“Magnifique!” He exclaimed once he was finished. He took Alexander’s hand once more and had him stand up to his feet, guiding him back over to the bathroom mirror. “Sooo? What do you think?” Thomas asked while grinning from ear to ear. “How’d I do?”

Alexander’s expression suddenly turned to one of pure happiness and gratefulness, a wide smile taking over his features. The lines made on his face were somewhat precise, his face looking more like a skeleton face than when he attempted it himself. His face paint was done more like a sugar skull that you would see on the Day of the Dead: most of his face was painted white; parts that were painted black were his cheekbones, lips, eyebrows, and eyes; a red rose was painted on the left-corner of his forehead; green thorn-vine lined at the side of his face, and wounding all the way down to his jaw. 

‘Oh my god, Thomas!’ He beamed up at his boyfriend as he signed to him. ‘You did amazing, I love it! Thank you!’ He then wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a tight and loving embrace, his bright smile not leaving his face.

Both boys were now beaming, both with wide smiles - Thomas was glad that Alexander loved what he did with the face paint. They continued to hug each other before pulling away a minute later. ‘I love you,’ he signed.

‘I love you, too, Tall Tree,’ Alexander signed back with a loving expression. The virginian rolled his eyes with hearty chuckle. After some time of Alexander envying over Thomas, they finally decided that it was time to head out and meet with the others for the Halloween party that was being held at Mulligan and Lafayette’s dorm. (And they might or might not have planned on also attempting to go out and trick or treat just to get free candy.)

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