Chapter 11

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Thomas was happy. He was very happy! Happy that Alexander woke up. Happy that he was still alive!! For the first few minutes of Thomas being in there, he cried and kept telling Alex to never go runing into burning house ever again. "But you were right to go and save that little girl. It was very brave of you." He'd said with a smile and gave Alex a gentle kiss on his forehead.

After some time had passed, Thomas finally decided to go out of the room and tell everyone that Alex was awake. "But please, be very gentle with him." He warned. The others all nodded in excitement. There was a small delay as the lady behind the counter told them that only two people were allowed to go in at a time. Luckily they had Angelica, though!

What Angelica did to get them all to go into Alex's room took a little bit of "convincing". To Angelica, her way of convincing others is really just saying threats to them. But we're not going to get into that!

Finally they all managed to go in to Alex's room. Everyone was crying tears of joy when they saw him smiling back at them. One at a time, they each gave Alex a comforting and gentle hug; he had enough strength to hug them back.

Even though injured, Alex also had enough strength to lift up his arms to do sign language.

They all spent a great time talking to one another. In fact:

Laf sat comfortably in a chair when Herc decided to go over to him and sit on his lap. But this only caused the chair to collapse due to the heavy weight of the two boys. "Herc! Get off of moi (me)!" Laf yelled at his boyfriend, sounding out of breath. Herc quickly does so in getting off of Laf. And Laf--being upset--randomly pulls out a baguette and chases Herc around the room with it.

Just by watching these two made Alex laugh; he coughed a little roughly. Eliza and Peggy rubbed his back soothingly. But seeing Alex happy made everyone else happy and laughing themselves.

When it came to be the time for everyone to leave, they all said their good nights to one another and parted ways. The last person in the room with Alexander was--of course--Thomas.

"The doctor said I could stay the night to make sure you're okay." He said with a small smile. Alex smiled back joyfully. They talked for a little while longer, and not long after, Alex fell asleep as well as Thomas, who slept in a chair.


A startling crash came from over by the window and Thomas immediately awoke from his slumber. "Alex?!" He called out in alarm. He looked up and saw Madison on  the floor; he had crashed through the window. He had afew cuts and bruises on his arms and face, but what alarmed Thomas the msot was that he held a knife! It brought so many memories from the first time Madison hurt Alex, and this made Thomasangry.

Out of the corner of his eye, Thomas saw Alex was awake; fear and worry was written all over his face. Thomas stood from the chair he slept in and hurried over to Alex to protect him. "You're already done enough damage, Madison!" It pained Thomas to not be able to call his closest friend Jemmy anymore.

Madison chuckled like a mad man. "No, Thomas, I haven't." He said coldly, getting up from the floor. "If I can't have you, neither can he." Slowly he lifted the knife he held and stalked toward Thomas and Alexander.

In a panic, Thomas squeezed Alex's hand before letting go and lunging at Madison, hoping that he would survive and save Alex. Luckily the knife had fallen out of Madison’s hand, landing somewhere in the dark.

Thomas is then kicked in the stomach, making all the air in his lungs exit and leaving him gasping for air. Madison is now on his hands and knees and searching for his deadly weapon; Thomas still lays on the floor and gasping for air. He tries to protect Alex, but just as he tries to even make a move, something heavy is suddenly being smashed down into his chest.

“I loved you, Thomas!” exclaimed Madison. “But then I see you falling for the gremlin you’ve always hated… Is that what I have to do? Become hated by you before you can accept my love for you?”

Tears brimmed at Thomas’s eyes, making it hard for him to see clearly as his vision begins to blur. He couldn’t even speak with Madison’s shoe digging into his chest.

And just when Thomas thought he was going to die, Madison was hit in the head hard and he stumbled back, collapsing. Thomas gasped as he took in a deep breath and coughed. Soon enough he gained full consciousness of his body and took that moment to quickly sit up. Looking around he sees Madison groaning and pain and rubbing his head; he also saw that Alex had hit Madison with the pole that had once stood by his hospital bed.

Alexander breathed heavily, sounding ragged. He dropped the pole and looked at Thomas longingly before hiding behind the bed, being as close as possible to the phone that rested on a table by the hospital bed. Understanding what Alex was trying to do, Thomas nodded firmly and slowly got up on his feet.

“I did love you, James. But then you started to abuse me. Abuse our love. I thought you were my Jemmy. The Jemmy who was shy most of the time; who was the person that I knew so well.” Thomas said sadly with a frown.

Madison got up from the floor himself. He huffed disappointedly. “And I thought that I knew you, too.” And with that he charged at Thomas; but Thomas had ducked out of the way at the last minute and Madison nearly ran into the wall. He slammed his fists on the wall with a growl and spun around, spotting a scared Thomas by the door.

Something glinted somewhere on the floor and both Madison and Thomas knew right away that it was the knife; it laid closest to Madison. Without hesitation he picked up the knife and went after Thomas once more.

Thomas immediately opened the door of the hospital room in a panic and ran out as fast as he could to get out of Madison’s reach. But Madison was right behind him, so Thomas took his chances and sun around, punching the other in the jaw with a lot of force. A nurse from down the hall gasped as she had witnessed what had happened.

The knife was once again out of Madison’s grasp and Thomas kicked it away and out of reach. The sound of footsteps thuming echoed throughout the halls. And Thomas knew right there and then:

The police were coming, all thanks to Alexander.

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