"Hey Siri."

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I woke up to my alarm going off, I pushed off my black sheets and got up rubbing my eyes, I dragged myself to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face, I took a shower, got dressed and I was ready to start my day, I walked to the kitchen and made myself a coffee and some cereal, as I put on stranger things on Netflix, I took a sip of my coffee and made a disgusted facial expression as I have forgotten to add sugar, I opened my cupboard and poured some sugar into my coffee, I sat on my counters stool and opened instagram on my phone, my viewers seemed to have liked the video a lot so I decided to reply to some comments, I walked into my studio.

My studio was painted in the shade of dark grey and the backdrop for the corner I'm filming my videos is dark blue, I have a huge black desk next to my window that has the city as the view, on my desk i have my MacBook, and two iMacs, some equipment for my videos, microphones and cameras, and also a journal where I write down my video ideas, the room is decorated with fake plants, my drum set in the corner and a small dark grey couch with a round glass coffee table, and a bookshelf that I keep my awards on, two large leather office chairs decorate my desk, I have a black couch against the blue wall that I sit and film my videos, unless I'm vlogging and I don't need to be in the studio.

I sat down on my desk and opened my laptop, I got on YouTube and started replying to some comments, my phone buzzed with a text,

"Hey Chase, don't forget your interview tonight. Be at the studio at 5 pm sharp you have wardrobe and make up before it goes live on television."

"I don't wanna put make up on, Roman, I'm handsome on my own."

I laughed,

"It doesn't matter it's tv and they always do that. It's just a touch to make you look just a tad more handsome."

I smiled,

"Alright then."

After I have replied to some comments I decided to go to the gym, I took my backpack that had my gym equipment inside and my car keys as well as a bottle of water, I got into my car and drove to the gym. I walked inside the elevator to get to my floor, as I got upstairs I went into the men's locker room to get changed and then immediately stepped on the treadmill, all of the treadmills were right in front of the window and we could see all of WeHo, I put on my earphones and played some music.

2 hours later, as I was very sweaty and fatigued, I walked to my car as two girls approached me screaming,


I turned around panicking, I have zoned out and that snapped me out of it,

"Can we have a picture?" Said the first girl

"You look so gorgeous Chase." the second one added,

"Thank you, ladies."

I said and posed for a selfie for them, they hugged me and then left, I got into my car and returned to my apartment, i took another shower and checked my phone.

5 missed calls

You've missed 2 calls from: Jay
You've missed 3 calls from: Roman Butler

I called Jay back immediately,

"Hey, dude. What's up?"

I said as soon as he picked up while I was walking towards the living room,

"Nothing man was just checking up on you. I've been reading your newest videos comments. It's doing so fucking good, also the sponsors money is in the bank. You're 20,000$ richer and let's not forget the YouTube money."

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