A girl named Celeste finds out that she is half god when her mother is attacked by a frost giant and finds herself on Asgard. She has no idea what she can do until she learns she has these powers? She decides to get stronger with the help of Loki, w...
Celeste was freaked out the whole day. She couldnt focus in class or at all. Plus Lilith would bug her and even her friends Thomas and Sam. Thomas was captain of the football team and Sam was the leader in track and cross country. Because they were leaders of the schools best sports, she kept them around. She of course was screwing them both, they just didnt know it. After school, Celeste had waited for Avery infront of the school. She was scared, but knew she had to give him the benefit of the doubt. She leaned back on the schools bench and looked up at the sky.
"Hey loser". Celeste's eyes widened as she saw Lilith's face looking down on her. She also had Thomas and Sam with her. Celeste moved and looked at them. "So..guessing your little boyfriend saved you. But next time you wont be so lucky. I will make your life a living hell!", Lilith threatened. Celeste rolled her eyes as she knew this wouldnt happen. She always said this, but didnt act on it. Lilith got mad and got in Celeste's face. "If you roll your eyes at me, I will cut the red off your hair. By the way...that red is disgusting on you. You really thought you would be cool? Your nothing but trash and trash deserves to be thrown away, just like your father did. Thats why he died!", Lilith laughed. The boys began to laugh as Lilith said that. Celeste's eyes widened and she felt hurt. She had heard that joke so many times and it still hurt her.
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Celeste looked down and wished she could have the strength to hurt Lilith. "Celeste!". Celeste turns around and she saw Avery. He smiled at her and then he saw Lilith and her pose. He glared at them and Lilith smirked. "Your boyfriend saved you again, dont make it a habit or we will fuck him up", Lilith whispered, then left. Celeste didnt know what to say or do now. She just wanted to cry. "What the hell did they want?", Avery asked. Celeste didnt say anything and said they should go. "Uh..okay..". As the two walked, Avery noticed how sad Celeste was. He thought starting up a conversation would be good for her.
"So..I know this is coming out of nowhere, but...why do you let Lilith bully you like that?". Celeste stops walking and he does too. He realized that wasnt a good thing to ask all of a sudden. "Well...I..was bullied by her since 1st grade. She would laugh at how I had no dad. See, I never met my dad. Mom said he died before I was born. So Lilith teased me about it. She kept on doing it as we aged, but this time....it got physical. I guess I got used to the pain and just let it happen". Avery was in shock and he got mad. "That is so uncalled for! You need to learn to stand up for yourself. You must fight back". Celeste looked down and nodded no. "I..Im just..too scared to". Avery sighed and said I should stand up before its too late". Celeste looks up in shock and asks what he means. "You will know someday that when protecting someone, you must make a sacrifice or fight with all you got". Celeste suddenly questioned Avery. She had felt like he had a dark past. They stood there for a while as Celeste caught her thoughts. "Well..lets go. I have to get back in the next hour", Avery said. Celeste nodded and she continued walking with him to her house. Once they made it, she showed him to the kitchen table. Celeste then went upstairs and said she would come back in a minute. Avery nodded and he waited for her. Celeste went to her room and put on some perfume. She hoped he would like the smell of her for some reason. Then she went back downstairs. As she reached the bottom steps, she saw Avery standing at the table in her livingroom. "Uh..Avery?". Avery smiled and turned to her, asking about the picture above the table. "Is this your mother?". Celeste walked over to him and saw what he meant. "Uh.. yes. She should be back in any minute from work". Avery smiled and walked into the kitchen with her. "So..you failed math, we can start on the next segiment for the next quiz", Avery said. Celeste said okay and sat at the table, getting her book out. While Avery stood at the kitchen doors, looking out of it. Celeste watched him look outside and wondered what he was doing. "Uhm..are you gonna come sit?", Celeste asked. Avery didnt anwser and then he laughed. "There she is". Celeste was confused and then she saw that her mothers car pulled in. "He must be thinking of my mom", she thought. Selena came inside and noticed Avery. "Hello, whose this?", she asked Celeste. "This is a student from my....". "Nice to meet you Selena", Avery said cutting off Celeste. Selena's eyes widened and so did Celeste's. How did he know her mothers name? "Do..I know you?", Selena asked confused. Avery smirked evily and thats when his arms turned to ice and his skin turned blue.
This is him now, I tried to edit it like a frost giant:
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Selena's eyes widened as she realized what Avery was. He jumped towards Selena, trying to attack her. "Mom!". Celeste didnt know how to react. She jumped from her chair and almost ran, but knew she had to stay. Selena then grabbed Avery's arm to stop him from stabbing her, but her skin started to freeze. "AHHHHH!". Avery smirked and laughed. "What do you want? Who sent you?", Selena asked. "Lets just say..the frost king". Selena's eyes widened and so did Celeste's. She had no idea what was going on. Who was this person in her home? This wasnt Avery, well I guess it was, but why is he BLUE!?
"Celeste..run", Selena yelled. "B..but..". " Give me the crystal wench!", Avery said angrily. "Just go!", Selena said. Avery then throws her across the room and she hits the wall. "MOM!", Celeste yells as she runs to her mothers side. Avery smirks and then he walks over to Selena. "Mom are you okay?", Celeste asks. "Celeste..I said..run". "Give me the crystal or I will kill your precious daughter", Avery says, pointing one of his ice arms towards Celeste. Celeste freaks out and gets scared. Selena catches her breath and narrows her eyes. She gets up and then she puts her arm out. "If you touch her..!". "Then what? You are only a mere human. You are nothing. What can you do?", Avery asks. "I can do this", Selena says as she pulls the necklace from her shirt and says, "Octaponvata". Thats when they teleport upstairs to Celeste's room. Selena hurries to lock the door. "Mom..what just happened?", Celeste asked confused. She had so many question right now, but Selena ignores her and then tells her to be quiet. "Mom..tell me!". Suddenly the door handle moved and Selena went up to Celeste and told her to take the necklace. "What?". "Just take it. Keep it safe. No matter who you meet. Dont give it to anyone. Keep it on you at all times". Celeste was confused and asked what is going on. The door begins to bang loud and Selena knew they will be found soon. "I cant tell you everything. Just know this. Your father wasnt killed. He is still alive, I shall hope. His name is Lussex and he is the king of Asgard". Celeste's eyes widened and her heart dropped. Her own mother lied? Why would she? Wait...is what she even saying real? This made no sense to her. What is even Asguard? Celeste takes the crystal. She has no idea what is happening, but trusts her mother. "Go now honey. Run! I promise you I will find a way back to you. Just be safe!". The door opened and the door hit Selena in the back. "Mom!". Celeste was shocked and in fear. She had no idea what to do. Her mom had been knocked out and the monster was coming up to them. He stopped behind Selena and he smiled. He groaned in anger as he grabbed Selena by her head. "Now.....DIE you human wench!". "MOM!". Suddenly Celeste went numb. A swarm of red filled around her and glew bright. A gust of wind picked up as the redness moved all over the room.
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The wind was hard and fast. This made the monster have trouble standing on its feet. Selena was in his arms, and had been shocked by the power coming from Celeste. He had to escape and hurry back to the king. He opened his own portal back and went inside it. Celeste freaked out as she saw them dissapear. She thought she had killed them both. This enraged her and the redness glew brighter. It was like they were flames of some kind. Celeste began crying, so much went thrpugh her mind and she felt scared as she didnt know how to stop, but then she saw a blue light appear above her. She lost consciousness and had passed out.