16: To Jotenhiem

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Celeste was starting to feel scared. She cant stop thinking about Loki and Thor. She knows they're her friends, but thinks that they like her.  She isnt sure on how she feels, but feels as if she is closer to Loki in a way. But...she has an unexplainable bond with Thor. She loves them both equally, but she cant get the fear of them putting a move on her out of her mind. She told Sif when she came to wake her and she thinks she beetter wait to think about it after the battle. Sif was right though. Celeste takes a deep breath and lets it all go. She has to go into battle and romance doesnt belong there. She went to thw armor room, where she found Hogun, Sif, Volstagg, and Fandral. They all had gotten ready for battle. Celeste wondered if she should wear something like them and found a small armor plate. The plate wasnt even that heavy. It fit well too. "Thats nice, now, get some fighting boots on", Fandral said. Celeste nodded and found black ones that went up to the knee. She wasnt what else to war, but she stopped once she had her eyes on cool looking gloves. They werent just any cool looking gloves though. They had blades in it and they were used to punch and stab the enemy. Celeste instantly fell in love and put them on. "Alright im ready", Celeste said. The group looked at her and laughed. "Okay..you sure you dont wanna wear armor sleeves?", Sif asked. "What?". Celeste then noticed Sif's armor and she had long armored sleeves. "Ooh, I want!", she said. Sif smiled and Fandral found her a pair. "Okay, now your ready", Fandral said.

"You all ready?", Thor asked as he came in

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"You all ready?", Thor asked as he came in.  Everyone looked his way and smiled. "Yes, now we just have to wait for Loki", Volstagg said. As they waited, Thor went up to Celeste. "So...I know...this is out of nowhere, but....after we do our mission...I was thinking that...we could go on... an actual date". Celeste's eyes widened and she just felt like she was shot through the heart. Why would he just...ask that? Thor no...you cant adk me things like that! "Uhm...well...I...". Celeste wasn't sure on what to say. She didnt want to, but also didnt want to hurt his feelings. "Say yes, cant you tell when a man likes you", Volstagg says. Celeste's eyes widen and Thor glares at him. Celeste felt stuck, but not giving an anwser was making her stuck more. She would have to say something. "Sorry if im late", Loki says as he enters the room. Celeste sighs in relief and ignores Thor's question. "Alright now, lets move out!", Volstagg shouted. "YEAH!". Celeste hurried away and Thor wondered where she went. Everyone started walking out to the bridge, where they all would be meeting Hiemdall, and go through the byfrost. "Celeste?". Celeste heard Thor and he asked what she thought. "I uh..". "Keep a move on loverboy", Hogun said. Thor sighed and deciddd to let it go. He would be going into battle, so there shouldnt be distractions.  Heimdall opened the byfrost and it pulled them through it. "Ahhhhhhww!". Celeste screamed  and Loki had gotten to her side to hold her. "Its alright, I got you", Loki said. Celeste blushed and she was scared, but knew she needed to be held onto. She hugged Loki and this made him blush. Once they reached the other side, Loki let go of her. "Oh my god..", Fandral said. Celeste looked up and her eyes widened as she saw nothing but ice, mountains and darkness.

 Celeste looked up and her eyes widened as she saw nothing but ice, mountains and darkness

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Celeste: Hero of Asgard (A Thor Fanfiction Book #1) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now