8: Friends?

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"AHHHHHHHWWW!!!". Celeste screamed at the top of her lungs as the goddess or healing, Eir pushed her dislocated arm back into place with her potion that Celeste drank. Sif nervously watched the process. She was nervous Celeste was seriously hurt and also terrified. She couldnt believe the shape Celeste was in, being a human and living after being hit by Thor's hammer. She could have died. But if it wasnt for...that red light. Was that coming from her? Sif wondered what that could be. She had to make sure if Celeste knew anything about it. If so...then what is she and who is she? "Awwwwhhhhh!". Celeste began crying as she felt her arm pop back into place and her bone poping back to normal, as if she never broke it.

Eir felt a bit bad and said she has ointment for her broken open skin, but she needs to bare through it

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Eir felt a bit bad and said she has ointment for her broken open skin, but she needs to bare through it. "Will it hurt?", Celeste asked. "You will feel burning but it will be over quickly", Eir said. Celeste thought for a moment and then looked at Sif. "There may be some bacteria in your skin so thats why it will burn, plus it stops the bleeding", Eir says. Celeste whimpered under her breath. She felt a bit scared, but knew she had to do it. She couldnt stand staring at her open bloddy skin. "O..kay..do it", Celeste said. Eir nodded and got the ointment, and dropped small droplets on Celeste's skin. Celeste watched as her skin boiled and fizzed, but then cleared. She flinched a bit but could handle it. Her skin soon began closing up and healing. Celeste had been amazed. They dont have this kind of medicine on Earth, how do they have something like this? "There, all new", Eir smiled. Celeste slowly rose her arm up, looking at it. She couldnt believe how easy it was to heal. It looked like she was untouched. Eir finished by putting ointment on Celeste's head and told ger she was free to leave, but has to be careful and rest for a while. Celeste nodded and understood. Celeste got off of the examine table and began taking her clothes off. She checked for blood to clean or if she had any other cuts. Sif went up to Celeste and asked if she needed any help. Celeste's eyes widened and then she smiled a bit. "Yes, thank you". Sif grabbed the rag in her hands and checked her back for any blood or cuts. As she cleaned her up, she realized she barely had any cuts, just small scratches and blood from one small scratch. She was amazed and felt glad Celeste was okay now. "You feeling better now?", Sif asked as she moved to check Celeste's other arm. Celeste looked up at her and nodded. Sif smiled but then she remembered what she needed to do. She had been itching to ask Celeste about the red lights. Sif had seen Celeste use them so they must be powers of some kind. She wondered if Celeste having powers means she could be something else other than human. "So...I know its not my right to ask..but..how did you do that?". Celeste was confused, but she remembered what happened from before. "You mean...the red lights?", she asked looking down. "Yes". Celeste wasn't gonna anwser, but she took a deep breath. "I really dont know myself. For some reason...it just happened. Ive only seen it happen once. My mom...she was about to die and I just got mad. I suddenly saw a red glow coming from my body and it scared me. I didnt know how to stop it...and it costed my...mothers death..but with Loki...it saved him..". Celeste began crying. She was so confused to what this power was. It kills then protects. Was this a good or bad thing to have? Sif felt bad for her. She wasn't sure what to do, but tried to hug her.

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